Discover the compelling narrative of 'Leaving the Atocha Station,' a poignant exploration of creativity, identity, and the human experience. This thought-provoking novel follows Adam Gordon, a talented yet unreliable American poet, as he navigates his prestigious fellowship in Madrid. Set against a backdrop of vibrant Spanish culture, this book delves deep into the complexities of self-discovery and artistic integrity. With 192 captivating pages published by Granta in 2013, it unravels Adam's personal struggles fueled by strong coffee and self-prescribed tranquillizers, sparking profound reflections on authenticity in both life and art. 'Leaving the Atocha Station' enhances your understanding of the poet's psyche while illustrating the often fraught relationship between artistic ambition and personal truth. This beautifully crafted narrative is essential for readers who appreciate literary fiction that challenges the boundaries of self-perception and reality. Ideal for fans of contemporary literature, this striking book will resonate with anyone interested in themes of isolation, existentialism, and the quest for genuine connection. Perfect for your personal library or as a thoughtful gift, 'Leaving the Atocha Station' is one you won't want to miss. Order your copy today and dive into this rich, immersive reading experience. Fast shipping available!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781847086914
Year: 2013
Publisher: Granta
Pages: 192
Adam Gordon is a brilliant, if highly unreliable, young American poet on a prestigious fellowship in Madrid, struggling to establish his sense of self and his attitude towards art. Fuelled by strong coffee and self-prescribed tranquillizers, Adam's 'research' soon becomes a meditation on the possibility of authenticity, as he finds himself increasingly troubled by the uncrossable distance between himself and the world around him. It's not just his imperfect grasp of Spanish, but the underlying suspicion that his relationships, his reactions, and his entire personality are just as fraudulent as his poetry.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781847086914
Year: 2013
Publisher: Granta
Pages: 192
Adam Gordon is a brilliant, if highly unreliable, young American poet on a prestigious fellowship in Madrid, struggling to establish his sense of self and his attitude towards art. Fuelled by strong coffee and self-prescribed tranquillizers, Adam's 'research' soon becomes a meditation on the possibility of authenticity, as he finds himself increasingly troubled by the uncrossable distance between himself and the world around him. It's not just his imperfect grasp of Spanish, but the underlying suspicion that his relationships, his reactions, and his entire personality are just as fraudulent as his poetry.