Discover 'Lady Joker, Volume 1,' the highly acclaimed English-language debut from the esteemed Japanese master, Kaoru Takamura. This captivating novel, published in 2021, delves into the tumultuous post-war landscape of Japan, skillfully weaving a tale around five men brought together by fate at a racetrack in Tokyo. Join them as they embark on a thrilling journey through their disillusioned lives, facing societal struggles, personal grief, and the dire consequences of revenge against an unjust world.
Set in the backdrop of 1995, 'Lady Joker' navigates complex themes of identity, discrimination, and the human condition. From a genius welder to a demoted detective, each character represents the poignant realities of modern Japanese society, resonating deeply with contemporary readers. The elderly drugstore owner’s loss, coupled with the tale of a desperate father and a marginalized banker, adds layers of depth to the narrative.
As the story unfolds, these unlikely conspirators plot an audacious heist to kidnap the CEO of Japan's largest beer conglomerate, bringing their collective discontent to a boiling point. Inspired by the infamous true-crime case linked to 'the Monster with 21 Faces,' 'Lady Joker' is not only a work of fiction but an examination of resilience and vengeance.
This beautifully bound edition features 600 pages of gripping prose and is a must-have addition for fans of Japanese literature and crime thrillers. Immerse yourself in the brilliance of Kaoru Takamura's storytelling, a magnum opus that has captured the hearts of many and is frequently included in academic discussions.
**Delivery Information:** Your order will be processed promptly, ensuring swift delivery. Enjoy safe shipping on all purchases, allowing you to dive into this literary masterpiece without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781616957018
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2021
Pages: 600
One of Japan's great modern masters, Kaoru Takamura, makes her English-language debut with this two-volume publication of her magnum opus.
One of Japan's great modern masters, Kaoru Takamura, makes her English-language debut with this two-volume publication of her magnum opus.
Tokyo, 1995. Five men meet at the racetrack every Sunday to bet on horses. They have little in common except a deep disaffection with their lives, but together they represent the social struggles and griefs of post-War Japan- a poorly socialized genius stuck working as a welder; a demoted detective with a chip on his shoulder; a Zainichi Korean banker sick of being ostracized for his race; a struggling single dad of a teenage girl with Down syndrome. The fifth man bringing them all together is an elderly drugstore owner grieving his grandson, who has died suspiciously after the revelation of a family connection with the segregated buraku community, historically subjected to severe discrimination.
Intent on revenge against a society that values corporate behemoths more than human life, the five conspirators decide to carry out a heist- kidnap the CEO of Japan's largest beer conglomerate and extract blood money from the company's corrupt financiers.
Inspired by the unsolved true-crime kidnapping case perpetrated by "the Monster with 21 Faces," Lady Joker has become a cultural touchstone since its 1997 publication, acknowledged as the magnum opus by one of Japan's literary masters, twice adapted for film and TV and often taught in high school and college classrooms.
Set in the backdrop of 1995, 'Lady Joker' navigates complex themes of identity, discrimination, and the human condition. From a genius welder to a demoted detective, each character represents the poignant realities of modern Japanese society, resonating deeply with contemporary readers. The elderly drugstore owner’s loss, coupled with the tale of a desperate father and a marginalized banker, adds layers of depth to the narrative.
As the story unfolds, these unlikely conspirators plot an audacious heist to kidnap the CEO of Japan's largest beer conglomerate, bringing their collective discontent to a boiling point. Inspired by the infamous true-crime case linked to 'the Monster with 21 Faces,' 'Lady Joker' is not only a work of fiction but an examination of resilience and vengeance.
This beautifully bound edition features 600 pages of gripping prose and is a must-have addition for fans of Japanese literature and crime thrillers. Immerse yourself in the brilliance of Kaoru Takamura's storytelling, a magnum opus that has captured the hearts of many and is frequently included in academic discussions.
**Delivery Information:** Your order will be processed promptly, ensuring swift delivery. Enjoy safe shipping on all purchases, allowing you to dive into this literary masterpiece without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781616957018
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2021
Pages: 600
One of Japan's great modern masters, Kaoru Takamura, makes her English-language debut with this two-volume publication of her magnum opus.
One of Japan's great modern masters, Kaoru Takamura, makes her English-language debut with this two-volume publication of her magnum opus.
Tokyo, 1995. Five men meet at the racetrack every Sunday to bet on horses. They have little in common except a deep disaffection with their lives, but together they represent the social struggles and griefs of post-War Japan- a poorly socialized genius stuck working as a welder; a demoted detective with a chip on his shoulder; a Zainichi Korean banker sick of being ostracized for his race; a struggling single dad of a teenage girl with Down syndrome. The fifth man bringing them all together is an elderly drugstore owner grieving his grandson, who has died suspiciously after the revelation of a family connection with the segregated buraku community, historically subjected to severe discrimination.
Intent on revenge against a society that values corporate behemoths more than human life, the five conspirators decide to carry out a heist- kidnap the CEO of Japan's largest beer conglomerate and extract blood money from the company's corrupt financiers.
Inspired by the unsolved true-crime kidnapping case perpetrated by "the Monster with 21 Faces," Lady Joker has become a cultural touchstone since its 1997 publication, acknowledged as the magnum opus by one of Japan's literary masters, twice adapted for film and TV and often taught in high school and college classrooms.