Discover the timeless classic, Lady Chatterley's Lover: Popular Penguins, a groundbreaking novel by D. H. Lawrence. This scandalous tale first shocked the world upon its release and continues to ignite discussions around love, desire, and societal norms. In this A-format paperback edition, readers dive into the passionate affair between Constance Chatterley and the gamekeeper Mellors, set against the backdrop of a struggling marriage and class disparity. With its raw exploration of intimacy and the deeper complexities of human relationships, Lady Chatterley's Lover remains a significant work in both literary history and feminist discourse.
Published by Penguin UK in 2008, this brand new edition spans 324 pages of compelling narrative that dissects the struggle between class and gender dynamics. The richly detailed characters and evocative prose make this novel an essential addition to your collection, whether you're a longtime fan of classic literature or delving into Lawrence's powerful insights for the first time.
Order your copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover today and immerse yourself in this provocative exploration of passion and societal constraints. Enjoy fast shipping and reliable delivery direct to your door, allowing you to experience D. H. Lawrence's masterpiece without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141037424
Format: A-format paperback
Year: 2008
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 324
D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover scandalized the world when it was first published in paperback, and helped put Penguin Books on trial. The powerful depiction of the sexual liaison of Constance Chatterley with the gamekeeper Mellors, while her invalid husband quietly seethes, brilliantly captures the perennial struggle between the classes and the sexes.
Published by Penguin UK in 2008, this brand new edition spans 324 pages of compelling narrative that dissects the struggle between class and gender dynamics. The richly detailed characters and evocative prose make this novel an essential addition to your collection, whether you're a longtime fan of classic literature or delving into Lawrence's powerful insights for the first time.
Order your copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover today and immerse yourself in this provocative exploration of passion and societal constraints. Enjoy fast shipping and reliable delivery direct to your door, allowing you to experience D. H. Lawrence's masterpiece without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141037424
Format: A-format paperback
Year: 2008
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 324
D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover scandalized the world when it was first published in paperback, and helped put Penguin Books on trial. The powerful depiction of the sexual liaison of Constance Chatterley with the gamekeeper Mellors, while her invalid husband quietly seethes, brilliantly captures the perennial struggle between the classes and the sexes.