Discover K'yra: Hunting for Unity, a captivating Young Adult Fantasy novel that transports you to a savage, prehistoric landscape. This thrilling story introduces Kiya, a modern young woman who finds herself amidst a tribal community that sacrifices giant cats to appease the haunting evil spirits of their ancestors. As she strives to mediate between these fierce creatures and the tribe, Kiya embarks on a dangerous journey in this heartfelt tale of survival and understanding. Will she and her newfound friends be able to end the thousand-year war that could spell doom for them all?
K'yra will not only ignite your imagination but also resonate deeply with themes of unity and coexistence, making it a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure. Dive into K W Austin's rich storytelling, inspired by his experiences with wild animals and a passion for music, and find yourself lost in a world where bravery and compassion are essential for survival. This well-crafted paperback features 220 pages of gripping content, with dimensions of 163 x 240 mm, making it a perfect addition to any reader’s collection.
**Delivery Information:** We are happy to combine shipping. Smartfox is a NZ-owned business located in Auckland. This product is in stock in NZ, ensuring no unexpected import charges, custom duties, or taxes. Order your copy of K'yra and join Kiya on her quest for unity today!
Dimensions: 163 x 240 mm
Pages: 220
Bind: paperback
Author: K W Austin Publisher: Fraser Books
Publication Date: 06-06-2018
A Young Adult Fantasy Novel K’yra – a savage, prehistoric land where tribal villagers sacrifice giant cats to appease evil spirits. Kiya – a young woman from modern England, forced to live with the tribe and the big cats, attempts to mediate their mutual hostility. The hunt for unity – where a thousand-year war must end if Kiya and her friends are to survive. The Author: K W Austin is a musician, writer, and amateur scientist. Already well-known for his work in popular and classical music and hispassion for wild animals, he began writing K’yra: Hunting forUnityafter having worked with lions in a zooand listening toStravinsky’s â€The Rite of Spring’.He lives with two pianos and a cat in Masterton, New Zealand. "A fantasy that will stay with me after the storylines of other novels are forgotten" - From review by Alderaan Hoth
We are happy to combine shipping. Smartfox is a NZ owned business located in Auckland. This product is in stock in NZ which means no unexpected import charges, custom duty or tax.
K'yra will not only ignite your imagination but also resonate deeply with themes of unity and coexistence, making it a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure. Dive into K W Austin's rich storytelling, inspired by his experiences with wild animals and a passion for music, and find yourself lost in a world where bravery and compassion are essential for survival. This well-crafted paperback features 220 pages of gripping content, with dimensions of 163 x 240 mm, making it a perfect addition to any reader’s collection.
**Delivery Information:** We are happy to combine shipping. Smartfox is a NZ-owned business located in Auckland. This product is in stock in NZ, ensuring no unexpected import charges, custom duties, or taxes. Order your copy of K'yra and join Kiya on her quest for unity today!
Dimensions: 163 x 240 mm
Pages: 220
Bind: paperback
Author: K W Austin Publisher: Fraser Books
Publication Date: 06-06-2018
A Young Adult Fantasy Novel K’yra – a savage, prehistoric land where tribal villagers sacrifice giant cats to appease evil spirits. Kiya – a young woman from modern England, forced to live with the tribe and the big cats, attempts to mediate their mutual hostility. The hunt for unity – where a thousand-year war must end if Kiya and her friends are to survive. The Author: K W Austin is a musician, writer, and amateur scientist. Already well-known for his work in popular and classical music and hispassion for wild animals, he began writing K’yra: Hunting forUnityafter having worked with lions in a zooand listening toStravinsky’s â€The Rite of Spring’.He lives with two pianos and a cat in Masterton, New Zealand. "A fantasy that will stay with me after the storylines of other novels are forgotten" - From review by Alderaan Hoth
We are happy to combine shipping. Smartfox is a NZ owned business located in Auckland. This product is in stock in NZ which means no unexpected import charges, custom duty or tax.