Discover the exciting world of Kristy's Great Idea, the first book in the beloved Baby-sitters Club series. This captivating story follows Kristy and her friends Claudia, Stacey, and Mary Anne, who embark on a thrilling journey to create their very own baby-sitting business. With 170 pages of fun-filled adventures, readers will experience the ups and downs of running a club that promises both excitement and challenges. From dealing with crank calls to unpredictable toddlers, Kristy learns that making money isn't as easy as it seems. Plus, there's the added intrigue of Stacey's mysterious behavior that keeps everyone on their toes. Ideal for young readers, this engaging novel builds camaraderie, entrepreneurial spirit, and the importance of teamwork. Perfect for fans of friendship stories and business beginnings, Kristy's Great Idea is a must-have addition to your child’s bookshelves. Don't miss the chance to explore the adventures of the Baby-sitters Club! This brand new edition from Scholastic Inc., with ISBN 9781743813294, guarantees hours of reading enjoyment. Available for immediate delivery, suitable for children ages 8-12. Grab your copy today and inspire your child's imagination with this classic tale of friendship and entrepreneurship!
ISBN: 9781743813294
Number of Pages 170
Kristy thinks the Baby-sitters Club is a great idea. She and her friends Claudia, Stacey, and Mary Anne all love taking care of kids. A club will give them the chance to have lots of fun-and make tons of money. But nobody counted on crank calls, uncontrollable two-year-olds, wild... pets, and parents who don't always tell the truth. And then there's Stacey, who's acting more and more mysterious. Having a baby-sitters club isn't easy, but Kristy and her friends aren't giving up until they get it right!Read less
ISBN: 9781743813294
Number of Pages 170
Kristy thinks the Baby-sitters Club is a great idea. She and her friends Claudia, Stacey, and Mary Anne all love taking care of kids. A club will give them the chance to have lots of fun-and make tons of money. But nobody counted on crank calls, uncontrollable two-year-olds, wild... pets, and parents who don't always tell the truth. And then there's Stacey, who's acting more and more mysterious. Having a baby-sitters club isn't easy, but Kristy and her friends aren't giving up until they get it right!Read less