Discover the gripping narrative of "Knock Out!", an evocative graphic novel that brings to life the extraordinary journey of Emile Griffith, one of boxing's greatest legends. This captivating book, published by Self Made Hero in 2021, spans 168 pages and delves deep into the life of Griffith, an African American bisexual athlete who triumphed in the face of adversity. Griffith’s story is not just about his prowess in the ring; it’s about overcoming prejudice, battling racism, and confronting homophobia during the turbulent 1960s. In this breathtaking portrayal, Reinhard Kleist presents a nuanced examination of masculinity, identity, and the price of fame in the cutthroat world of boxing. The narrative crescendos with Griffith's infamous match against Benny Paret—a fight that would tragically alter both their lives forever. Ideal for boxing enthusiasts and graphic novel aficionados alike, "Knock Out!" is a must-read that inspires and educates about social issues through the lens of sport. Perfect as a gift or a personal addition to your library, this book is a compelling blend of history, art, and emotion. Order now for free shipping—a unique opportunity to own this brand-new graphic novel, ISBN: 9781910593868. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Note that once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781910593868
Year: 2021
Publisher: Self Made Hero
Pages: 168
An intoxicating portrait of boxer Emile Griffith, an African American bisexual athlete and one of the world's greatest fighters
The American boxing champion Emile Griffith gained notoriety in 1962 when he brutally defeated the Cuban fighter Benny Paret. Ten days after the fight, Paret, who had directed a homophobic slur at Griffith during the weigh-in, died from his injuries. In Knock Out!, Reinhard Kleist draws a powerful, emotive portrait of a bisexual African American athlete who, facing racism and homophobia in 1960s America, found success in the world of boxing. It's the story of a fierce and ambitious fighter, and of a knockout blow that ended one life and changed a second forever.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781910593868
Year: 2021
Publisher: Self Made Hero
Pages: 168
An intoxicating portrait of boxer Emile Griffith, an African American bisexual athlete and one of the world's greatest fighters
The American boxing champion Emile Griffith gained notoriety in 1962 when he brutally defeated the Cuban fighter Benny Paret. Ten days after the fight, Paret, who had directed a homophobic slur at Griffith during the weigh-in, died from his injuries. In Knock Out!, Reinhard Kleist draws a powerful, emotive portrait of a bisexual African American athlete who, facing racism and homophobia in 1960s America, found success in the world of boxing. It's the story of a fierce and ambitious fighter, and of a knockout blow that ended one life and changed a second forever.