Discover a captivating blend of humor and existential exploration in this brand-new B-format paperback novel, 'Kleinzeit', published by Penguin UK in 2021. This unique story follows Kleinzeit, an everyman who's unexpectedly fired from his mundane advertising job and thrust into a whimsical journey through the labyrinth of life and creativity in London. Facing the absurdities of the modern world, he encounters a skewed hypotenuse that leads him to Ward A4 where he falls for the enchanting Sister—an experience that spirals him into a surreal quest. With 208 pages filled with rich narrative and comedic flair, readers are treated to a delightful exploration of love, loss, and the art of being. This novel intertwines elements of classical references like Orpheus along with eccentric characters, making it a must-have for lovers of contemporary fiction and literary humor. Perfect for book clubs or as an engaging personal read, Kleinzeit offers a fresh take on life's unforeseen detours and the search for meaning amidst chaos. Order today and dive into this extraordinary adventure that will leave you laughing and contemplative. Delivery information: Enjoy safe and prompt shipping with every order, ensuring you receive your copy promptly so you can start reading right away. Don’t miss this chance to enrich your bookshelf with a delightful addition that engages both the heart and mind.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241485705
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 208
A richly strange and funny novel follows one man grappling with love, life and creativity
On an ordinary day in a strangely unfamiliar London, Kleinzeit is fired from his advertising job and told he must go to hospital with a skewed hypotenuse. There on Ward A4, he falls in love with the divine, rosy-cheeked Sister and is sent spinning into a quest involving, among other things, a glockenspiel, sheets of yellow paper, Orpheus, the Underground and that dirty chimpanzee, Death.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241485705
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 208
A richly strange and funny novel follows one man grappling with love, life and creativity
On an ordinary day in a strangely unfamiliar London, Kleinzeit is fired from his advertising job and told he must go to hospital with a skewed hypotenuse. There on Ward A4, he falls in love with the divine, rosy-cheeked Sister and is sent spinning into a quest involving, among other things, a glockenspiel, sheets of yellow paper, Orpheus, the Underground and that dirty chimpanzee, Death.