Justice League Vengeance is Thine - the thrilling continuation of the iconic Justice League saga. In this gripping graphic novel, readers will witness the emergence of a formidable new enemy led by Superman's greatest adversary, the Eradicator. As alien conquerors threaten Earth, the Justice League faces its most daunting challenge yet. Batman, facing insurmountable odds, makes an unprecedented choice by summoning ancient, unparalleled powers, raising the stakes and questioning the very essence of leadership within the League. This action-packed collection features issues #40-45 and delivers explosive storytelling, stunning artwork, and a riveting plot that keeps fans on the edge of their seats. Perfect for comic book enthusiasts, collectors, and anyone who wants to join the Justice League in their epic battle for justice. Adding this graphic novel to your collection not only enhances your bookshelf but also brings the legendary adventures of DC's finest heroes to life. Immerse yourself in the world of superheroes and experience the excitement as the Justice League strives to defend our planet against relentless foes. Don’t miss out on this must-have for fans of superhero comics and the iconic Justice League series! Order your brand new copy today and join the fight for Earth’s survival! Delivery information: This brand new book is published by RANDOM HOUSE US in 2021, with an ISBN of 9781779505897 and contains 232 captivating pages. Get ready for action, intrigue, and adventure with Justice League Vengeance is Thine!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779505897
Year: 2021
Pages: 232
The next chapter for comics' premier super-team begins! An unexpected arrival from the stars brings a dire warning to the Justice League- a new breed of conquerors is on the march.
Led by Superman's nemesis the Eradicator, a genetically engineered, super-powered strike team has come to subjugate Earth. To aid the Justice League, Batman makes the unprecedented decision to enlist an ancient, unrivaled power, which calls into question who, exactly, is in charge. With the League on unsure footing, will they be ready to save the world?
Collects issues #40-45.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779505897
Year: 2021
Pages: 232
The next chapter for comics' premier super-team begins! An unexpected arrival from the stars brings a dire warning to the Justice League- a new breed of conquerors is on the march.
Led by Superman's nemesis the Eradicator, a genetically engineered, super-powered strike team has come to subjugate Earth. To aid the Justice League, Batman makes the unprecedented decision to enlist an ancient, unrivaled power, which calls into question who, exactly, is in charge. With the League on unsure footing, will they be ready to save the world?
Collects issues #40-45.