Discover the intricacies of human nature in 'Just an Ordinary Day', a captivating B-format paperback published by Penguin UK. This BRAND NEW collection features 496 pages of darkly humorous and haunting short stories crafted by the masterful Shirley Jackson, known for her iconic work 'The Lottery'. Each tale invites readers into a world filled with anxiety and intrigue, depicting characters such as a mischievous devil and a sinister old woman, all set against a backdrop of a nightmarish city. Explore the chilling and bizarre in Jackson's storytelling as her narratives skillfully weave through thrilling adventures, including a small boy's captivating train ride with a cunning thief. This anthology not only showcases Jackson's exceptional talent but also highlights her ability to unveil the lurking presence of evil behind seemingly perfect suburban life. Ideal for fans of gothic literature and those who appreciate a blend of suspense and dark comedy, 'Just an Ordinary Day' is sure to leave an indelible mark. Order now to embark on this unforgettable journey into the psyche of Shirley Jackson's extraordinary world! For your convenience, we offer fast delivery options so you can dive into these mesmerizing tales without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141983202
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2017
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 496
A remarkable collection of dark, funny and haunting short stories from the inimitable author of 'The Lottery'.
An anxious devil, a malicious old woman and a mid-century Jack the Ripper; a pursuit though a nightmarish city, a small boy's thrilling train ride with a female thief, and a town where the possibility of evil lurks behind perfect rose bushes. This is the world of Shirley Jackson, by turns frightening, funny, strange and unforgettably revealed in this collection of brilliant stories from the author of 'The Lottery'.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141983202
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2017
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 496
A remarkable collection of dark, funny and haunting short stories from the inimitable author of 'The Lottery'.
An anxious devil, a malicious old woman and a mid-century Jack the Ripper; a pursuit though a nightmarish city, a small boy's thrilling train ride with a female thief, and a town where the possibility of evil lurks behind perfect rose bushes. This is the world of Shirley Jackson, by turns frightening, funny, strange and unforgettably revealed in this collection of brilliant stories from the author of 'The Lottery'.