Discover the enchanting world of 'Jack the Explorer and the Hidden City', a captivating narrative that fuels young imaginations while enhancing literacy skills. With a vibrant, illustrated journey, this engaging children’s book invites readers into an adventure where Jack stumbles upon an ancient map leading to a mystical hidden city. Ideal for Year 1 and Year 2 students, it's part of the acclaimed Flying Start to Literacy series, which promotes reading comprehension and essential vocabulary development. This narrative text illuminates key concepts such as different bridge types and their significance in connecting places, making it a perfect educational tool. Supporting materials include a tailored lesson plan that further aids teachers and parents in facilitating learning. 'Jack the Explorer' also incorporates high-frequency words and phonics strategies to align with modern literacy standards, making it a must-have in your educational resources. Celebrate curiosity with Jack as he navigates through caves, forests, and across intriguing bridges. Perfect for fostering a love of reading in young children! Be sure to grab your copy today, as shipping is completely free from our Auckland warehouse, ensuring no unexpected import charges or custom fees.
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781743208298
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 16
About this text:Title:Jack the Explorer Synopsis:  In Jack the Explorer and the Hidden City, Jack finds an old map. It leads him to a hidden city. On his journey, he crosses many unusual bridges. Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 13 Text type: Narrative Curriculum link: Science: The physical world Content vocabulary: bridges cave city forest hill map river vines High frequency words: New: another down found over red walked Key concepts: Bridges make it easier to get from one place to another. There are different types of bridges. Reading strategies: Using prior knowledge to make connections Phonics: Identifying common spellings for the long /a/ sound Paired text: Fantastic Bridges Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Fantastic Bridges / Jack the Explorer Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English language learners.Each pair of Student Books is supported by a Lesson Plan. These visually appealing resources are dura
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781743208298
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 16
About this text:Title:Jack the Explorer Synopsis:  In Jack the Explorer and the Hidden City, Jack finds an old map. It leads him to a hidden city. On his journey, he crosses many unusual bridges. Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 13 Text type: Narrative Curriculum link: Science: The physical world Content vocabulary: bridges cave city forest hill map river vines High frequency words: New: another down found over red walked Key concepts: Bridges make it easier to get from one place to another. There are different types of bridges. Reading strategies: Using prior knowledge to make connections Phonics: Identifying common spellings for the long /a/ sound Paired text: Fantastic Bridges Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Fantastic Bridges / Jack the Explorer Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English language learners.Each pair of Student Books is supported by a Lesson Plan. These visually appealing resources are dura