Discover the harrowing tale of survival and resilience in 'In the Shadow of Wolves', a captivating historical fiction novel by Alvydas Šlepikas. Set against the backdrop of World War II, as the Russians advance into East Prussia, families are torn from their homes, leading to an epic fight for survival amidst critical food shortages and an unforgiving cold winter. This poignant narrative follows the journey of the 'wolf children', older kids who secretly cross the border into Lithuania in search of work and food to bring back to their desperate families. With its finely crafted prose, this striking debut, published by Bloomsbury in 2020, not only resonates with emotional depth but also showcases meticulous research that brings real-life events to the forefront. Winner of numerous awards upon its release, this novel has touched readers across Lithuania and beyond. Perfect for fans of historical novels, survival stories, and riveting tales of human spirit, 'In the Shadow of Wolves' is a must-read that transports you to a dark yet compelling period. Don't miss your chance to own this B-format paperback, featuring 208 pages of powerful storytelling. Order now and witness a story that echoes resilience amidst adversity. Fast delivery options are available, ensuring you can dive into this unforgettable narrative without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781786077042
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 208
As the Russians advance into East Prussia, women and children are forced out of their homes to make way for the victorious troops.
Their fight for survival is only just beginning...
Facing critical food shortages and the onset of a bitterly cold winter, some of the older children, the 'wolf children' secretly cross the border into Lithuania, begging the local farmers for work or food they can take back to their starving families.
Cinematic and elegantly written, Alvydas lepikas's debut novel, based on real-life events, is both meticulously researched and stunningly powerful. It won numerous awards on publication and took Lithuania by storm.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781786077042
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 208
As the Russians advance into East Prussia, women and children are forced out of their homes to make way for the victorious troops.
Their fight for survival is only just beginning...
Facing critical food shortages and the onset of a bitterly cold winter, some of the older children, the 'wolf children' secretly cross the border into Lithuania, begging the local farmers for work or food they can take back to their starving families.
Cinematic and elegantly written, Alvydas lepikas's debut novel, based on real-life events, is both meticulously researched and stunningly powerful. It won numerous awards on publication and took Lithuania by storm.