Discover a poignant tale of friendship and self-discovery in this coming-of-age novel set against the backdrop of a vibrant summer music camp. In 'In the Key of Us,' follow Andi and Zora, two Black girls from Grand Rapids, Michigan, as they navigate the complexities of grief, family expectations, and identity. As the only two Black campers among a sea of white children, their bond deepens through shared experiences and musical aspirations.
Andi, grappling with the recent loss of her mother, finds solace in her talent for the trumpet. In contrast, Zora is torn between her dream of becoming a flautist and her passion for dance, a struggle that resonates with anyone facing family pressures and personal dilemmas. This compelling narrative explores themes of race, friendship, and the transformative power of music.
Published by Farrar Straus Giroux in 2022, this brand new novel spans 368 pages, inviting readers to reflect on their own journeys of self-discovery amidst society's expectations. 'In the Key of Us' not only highlights the significance of community but also celebrates the healing nature of art, making it a must-read for young adults and anyone who appreciates heartfelt storytelling.
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Shipping for this item is FREE, however please allow 6 weeks for shipping, please note once you place the order we are not able to cancel it.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780374314101
Year: 2022
Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux
Pages: 368
In Grand Rapids, Michigan, Andi is grappling with grief following the death of her mother. Zora is exhausted by trying to please her success-oriented parents. Both feel very much alone. Until a summer music camp brings them together.
The only two Black girls at camp in a sea of white children, Andi and Zora slowly begin to connect and reveal their deepest fears and dreams. While Andi is a natural on trumpet, Zora doesn't know if she wants to be a floutist since she also loves to dance.
As Andi and Zora struggle to figure out who they really are, they may just come to realize what they really need: each other.
Andi, grappling with the recent loss of her mother, finds solace in her talent for the trumpet. In contrast, Zora is torn between her dream of becoming a flautist and her passion for dance, a struggle that resonates with anyone facing family pressures and personal dilemmas. This compelling narrative explores themes of race, friendship, and the transformative power of music.
Published by Farrar Straus Giroux in 2022, this brand new novel spans 368 pages, inviting readers to reflect on their own journeys of self-discovery amidst society's expectations. 'In the Key of Us' not only highlights the significance of community but also celebrates the healing nature of art, making it a must-read for young adults and anyone who appreciates heartfelt storytelling.
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Shipping for this item is FREE, however please allow 6 weeks for shipping, please note once you place the order we are not able to cancel it.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780374314101
Year: 2022
Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux
Pages: 368
In Grand Rapids, Michigan, Andi is grappling with grief following the death of her mother. Zora is exhausted by trying to please her success-oriented parents. Both feel very much alone. Until a summer music camp brings them together.
The only two Black girls at camp in a sea of white children, Andi and Zora slowly begin to connect and reveal their deepest fears and dreams. While Andi is a natural on trumpet, Zora doesn't know if she wants to be a floutist since she also loves to dance.
As Andi and Zora struggle to figure out who they really are, they may just come to realize what they really need: each other.