Discover the enchanting tale of 'Ihaka and the Unexpected Visitor' (Maori Edition), a beautifully illustrated children's book that combines Maori mythology with an engaging narrative for young readers. Aimed at children aged 4-8, this captivating 32-page story unfolds as Tawhirimatea, the Maori god of wind and storms, seeks the help of a little boy named Ihaka to find his missing raincloud. This heartwarming adventure showcases themes of friendship, bravery, and the importance of helping others.
The book is presented in Te Reo Maori, enriching the cultural experience and promoting the use of the Maori language among children. As they journey through the mystical world of Maori gods—Tawhirimatea, Tangaroa, Tane, and Raumoko—readers will learn valuable lessons while enjoying delightful illustrations. This educational resource is perfect for parents and educators who wish to introduce Maori culture and mythology to their children in an accessible and fun way.
'Ihaka and the Unexpected Visitor' makes a fantastic addition to any child's bookshelf and an excellent gift for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions. Celebrate the beauty of Maori storytelling and inspire a love for reading with this unique title.
Condition: Brand New
ISBN: 9781775437574
Published in NZ on 1 Sep 2022 by Scholastic New Zealand Limited.
Condition: Brand New
ISBN: 9781775437574
Number of Pages 32
By Wadsworth, Kirsty
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand Limited
Published NZ 1 Sep 2022
Tawhirimatea is the Maori god of wind and storms. When one of his little rainclouds goes missing, Tawhirimatea swirls by Ihaka's house to get the little boy's help in finding the little lost cloud. It is needed for an imminent rainstorm. So off the two go to check in with the god...s Tangaroa, Tane and Raumoko, none of whom have seen the little cloud. Dejected, they return to Ihaka's house ... and find that Ihaka's mum has a pretty good idea where to look. Te Reo Maori EditionRead less
The book is presented in Te Reo Maori, enriching the cultural experience and promoting the use of the Maori language among children. As they journey through the mystical world of Maori gods—Tawhirimatea, Tangaroa, Tane, and Raumoko—readers will learn valuable lessons while enjoying delightful illustrations. This educational resource is perfect for parents and educators who wish to introduce Maori culture and mythology to their children in an accessible and fun way.
'Ihaka and the Unexpected Visitor' makes a fantastic addition to any child's bookshelf and an excellent gift for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions. Celebrate the beauty of Maori storytelling and inspire a love for reading with this unique title.
Condition: Brand New
ISBN: 9781775437574
Published in NZ on 1 Sep 2022 by Scholastic New Zealand Limited.
Condition: Brand New
ISBN: 9781775437574
Number of Pages 32
By Wadsworth, Kirsty
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand Limited
Published NZ 1 Sep 2022
Tawhirimatea is the Maori god of wind and storms. When one of his little rainclouds goes missing, Tawhirimatea swirls by Ihaka's house to get the little boy's help in finding the little lost cloud. It is needed for an imminent rainstorm. So off the two go to check in with the god...s Tangaroa, Tane and Raumoko, none of whom have seen the little cloud. Dejected, they return to Ihaka's house ... and find that Ihaka's mum has a pretty good idea where to look. Te Reo Maori EditionRead less