I Survived The Nazi Invasion, 1944

SKU: PR77869

Sale price$32.80


ISBN: 9781761204647
Number of Pages 160

A beautifully rendered graphic novel adaptation of Lauren Tarshis's bestselling I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944, with text adapted by Georgia Ball and art by Alvaro Sarraseca. It's been years since the Nazis invaded Max Rosen's home country of Poland. All the Jewish people, in...cluding Max's family, have been forced to live in a ghetto. At least Max and his sister, Zena, had Papa with them ... until two months ago, when the Nazis took him away. Now Max and Zena are on their own. One day, with barely enough food to survive, the siblings make a daring escape from Nazi soldiers into the nearby forest. They are found by Jewish resistance fighters, who take them to a safe camp. But soon, grenades are falling all around them. Can Max and Zena survive the fallout of the Nazi invasion?Read less

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