Discover the enchanting tale of 'How Moose Learned', a captivating story that invites children into the adventurous world of Moose, who unexpectedly learns to swim. This delightful children's book, published in 2019 by ECPP, is ideal for young readers in Year 1 and 2, featuring 24 beautifully illustrated pages. Suitable for their reading level of 17, this narrative perfectly combines education with fun, allowing children to explore important science concepts related to biological sciences and living things in their natural habitats.
Join Moose as he faces a challenge when catfish attack, making him swim to safety. This engaging traditional tale teaches valuable lessons about resilience, adaptation, and the wonders of nature, including how Moose thrive even in harsh winter conditions. It’s not just a story; it’s a gateway into the aquatic world of one of nature’s gentle giants.
Encourage comprehension and critical thinking with this title as part of the award-winning Flying Start to Literacy series, designed to develop essential reading strategies and skills. This book not only bolsters vocabulary but also introduces higher frequency words and various phonics concepts.
Ideal for educators and parents alike, 'How Moose Learned' comes brand new with ISBN 9781743209127. Experience this magical journey today while enjoying FREE shipping directly from our Auckland warehouse, where there are no unexpected customs charges or import taxes. Allow 15 days for delivery, and give the gift of literacy with this outstanding addition to any child's bookshelf.
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781743209127
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 24
About this text:Title:How Moose Learned Synopsis:  This tale tells how Moose becomes a swimmer quite by accident. When the catfish attack Moose, he must swim to get away. Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 17 Text type: Narrative  Traditional tale Curriculum link: Science: Biological sciences  Living things, habitat Content vocabulary: attack catfish forest graze ice moose snow spikes summer water plants winter High frequency words: Key concepts: Moose are good swimmers. Traditional tales give explanations about why things are as they are. Moose are able to survive in a harsh, cold environment. Reading strategies: Summarising the plot Phonics: Decoding suffixes such as ful, er and ed Paired text: Surviving in the Frozen Forest Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Surviving in the Frozen Forest / How Moose Learned Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English language learners.Each pair of Student
Join Moose as he faces a challenge when catfish attack, making him swim to safety. This engaging traditional tale teaches valuable lessons about resilience, adaptation, and the wonders of nature, including how Moose thrive even in harsh winter conditions. It’s not just a story; it’s a gateway into the aquatic world of one of nature’s gentle giants.
Encourage comprehension and critical thinking with this title as part of the award-winning Flying Start to Literacy series, designed to develop essential reading strategies and skills. This book not only bolsters vocabulary but also introduces higher frequency words and various phonics concepts.
Ideal for educators and parents alike, 'How Moose Learned' comes brand new with ISBN 9781743209127. Experience this magical journey today while enjoying FREE shipping directly from our Auckland warehouse, where there are no unexpected customs charges or import taxes. Allow 15 days for delivery, and give the gift of literacy with this outstanding addition to any child's bookshelf.
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781743209127
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 24
About this text:Title:How Moose Learned Synopsis:  This tale tells how Moose becomes a swimmer quite by accident. When the catfish attack Moose, he must swim to get away. Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 17 Text type: Narrative  Traditional tale Curriculum link: Science: Biological sciences  Living things, habitat Content vocabulary: attack catfish forest graze ice moose snow spikes summer water plants winter High frequency words: Key concepts: Moose are good swimmers. Traditional tales give explanations about why things are as they are. Moose are able to survive in a harsh, cold environment. Reading strategies: Summarising the plot Phonics: Decoding suffixes such as ful, er and ed Paired text: Surviving in the Frozen Forest Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Surviving in the Frozen Forest / How Moose Learned Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English language learners.Each pair of Student