Discover Peter Carey's captivating novel, 'His Illegal Self,' a remarkable story that transcends time and place, expertly blending themes of identity, family, and rebellion. Set against the vibrant backdrop of the late sixties, this literary masterpiece follows Che, a spirited young boy raised in isolation by his New York grandmother, yearning for connection with his radical parents. As he navigates a labyrinth of emotions, Che's journey takes him to a hippie commune in the lush rainforests of Queensland, filled with challenges and revelations that force him to confront his past.
This brand new paperback edition, published by Penguin Australia in 2020, contains 288 pages of gripping narrative that will keep you turning the pages. Dive into this incredible tale where nothing is as it seems, and the line between outlaw and family blurs. 'His Illegal Self' is not just a story; it's an exploration of what it means to be truly free. Perfect for readers who appreciate complex characters and rich storytelling, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Order yours today to explore the intricate layers of Che's life and discover what it means to embrace one's true self. With fast shipping options available, getting this significant work of fiction has never been easier. Perfect for fans of literary fiction and those seeking a poignant coming-of-age story, 'His Illegal Self' will challenge your perceptions and resonate deeply. Don't miss out on adding this remarkable piece to your collection!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760896508
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 288
Peter Carey is at his inventive, brilliant best in His Illegal Self, a novel about a family who, once met, will never leave you.
Che is the precocious son of radical student activists at Harvard in the late sixties. Raised in isolated privilege by his New York grandmother, he yearns for his famous outlaw parents. Soon Che too is an outlaw- fleeing down subways, abandoning seedy motels at night, he is pitched into a journey that leads him to a hippie commune in the rainforests of Queensland. Here he slowly, bravely confronts his life, learning that nothing is what it seems. Who is his real mother? Was that his real father? If all he suspects is true, what should he do?
This brand new paperback edition, published by Penguin Australia in 2020, contains 288 pages of gripping narrative that will keep you turning the pages. Dive into this incredible tale where nothing is as it seems, and the line between outlaw and family blurs. 'His Illegal Self' is not just a story; it's an exploration of what it means to be truly free. Perfect for readers who appreciate complex characters and rich storytelling, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Order yours today to explore the intricate layers of Che's life and discover what it means to embrace one's true self. With fast shipping options available, getting this significant work of fiction has never been easier. Perfect for fans of literary fiction and those seeking a poignant coming-of-age story, 'His Illegal Self' will challenge your perceptions and resonate deeply. Don't miss out on adding this remarkable piece to your collection!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760896508
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 288
Peter Carey is at his inventive, brilliant best in His Illegal Self, a novel about a family who, once met, will never leave you.
Che is the precocious son of radical student activists at Harvard in the late sixties. Raised in isolated privilege by his New York grandmother, he yearns for his famous outlaw parents. Soon Che too is an outlaw- fleeing down subways, abandoning seedy motels at night, he is pitched into a journey that leads him to a hippie commune in the rainforests of Queensland. Here he slowly, bravely confronts his life, learning that nothing is what it seems. Who is his real mother? Was that his real father? If all he suspects is true, what should he do?