Discover "Hell's Angels: Popular Penguins," a gripping narrative that captures the essence of the infamous biker gang that shook America in the 1960s. Hunter S. Thompson, the legendary journalist and pioneer of Gonzo journalism, embarks on a wild year-long journey with the Hell's Angels, chronicling his intense experiences with notorious figures like Charger Charley, Big Frank, Little Jesus, and The Gimp. This A-format paperback, published by Penguin UK in 2009, spans 288 pages of riveting tales and fearsome encounters. Perfect for fans of true crime, American history, and underground culture, this book unveils the stark realities behind the myths of these motorcycle rebels. Whether you're an aspiring journalist or simply intrigued by counterculture, this work is a critical piece of literature that showcases Thompson's raw, immersive style. Add this compelling exploration of 1960s America to your library today and join the ranks of those captivated by the legend of the Hell's Angels. Order now and experience the ultimate ride with this iconic book. Delivery information: Fast and reliable shipping ensures your book arrives in pristine condition.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141045566
Format: A-format paperback
Year: 2009
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 288
The Hell's Angels erupted into 1960s America, paralysing whole towns with fear. Determined to discover the truth behind the terrifying reputation of these marauding biker gangs, Hunter S. Thompson spent a year on the road with the Angels, documenting his hair-raising experiences with Charger Charley, Big Frank, Little Jesus and The Gimp. Hell's Angels was the result- a masterpiece of underground reportage whose free-wheeling, impressionistic style created the legend of Gonzo journalism, and made Thompson's name as the wild man of American writing.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141045566
Format: A-format paperback
Year: 2009
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 288
The Hell's Angels erupted into 1960s America, paralysing whole towns with fear. Determined to discover the truth behind the terrifying reputation of these marauding biker gangs, Hunter S. Thompson spent a year on the road with the Angels, documenting his hair-raising experiences with Charger Charley, Big Frank, Little Jesus and The Gimp. Hell's Angels was the result- a masterpiece of underground reportage whose free-wheeling, impressionistic style created the legend of Gonzo journalism, and made Thompson's name as the wild man of American writing.