Discover the thrilling continuation of Terry Goodkind's epic saga in 'Hateful Things: The Children of D'Hara, episode 2.' This captivating novel picks up where the acclaimed Sword of Truth series left off, diving into the lives of Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell as they navigate a world filled with darkness, magic, and danger. The stakes are higher than ever, as the survival of their children hinges on the powerful magic they wield. This spellbinding installment features 224 pages of gripping narrative, ensuring readers are drawn into an apocalyptic nightmare where malevolent forces conspire against hope. With masterful storytelling, Goodkind intricately weaves a tale of love, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of protection in a perilous world. Set in the mesmerizing landscape of D'Hara, where only the strength of magic can defend against the Golden Goddess and her sinister ambitions, this episode promises a rollercoaster of emotions and twists that will keep you riveted. Whether you are a lifelong fan or new to the series, 'Hateful Things' will enchant and thrill you as you journey into the realm of magic and destiny. Don’t miss out on the next chapter of this beloved saga! Delivery details: Condition: BRAND NEW, ISBN: 9781789541205, Format: Paper over boards, Year: 2019, Publisher: Bloomsbury, Pages: 224.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781789541205
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2019
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 224
'This is not the way I wanted it to be. Any time but now. Even if by a miracle these children are born, their birth will be their death sentence' Kahlan Amnell.
Only magic protects D'Hara from the Golden Goddess and her kind, the magic of Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell, the magic that the Mother Confessor carries within her womb.
To take this world, the Goddess must ensure Richard and Kahlan's children are never born.
In the dark shadows of the People's Palace the predators are gathering, watching, learning, feeding...
Hateful Things is the second episode in Terry Goodkind's new serial novel, The Children of D'Hara. Told in irresistibly intense instalments, this is the story of a world confronted by an apocalyptic nightmare.
'I want to introduce everyone to THE CHILDREN OF D'HARA, a new series that continues the story of the lives of Richard and Kahlan. This is a journey that began 25 years ago with the 1994 release of WIZARD'S FIRST RULE, when Richard first met Kahlan that fateful day in the Hartland woods.
After the Sword of Truth series ended, I knew there was more to Richard and Kahlan's story. Much more. A whole world more. For years, readers have asked me about Richard and Kahlan's lives after the Sword of Truth series... and importantly, about their children.
While my masterwork, Sword of Truth, concluded with WARHEART 20 languages and 26 million books sold I was burning to tell readers more about Richard and Kahlan. For that reason, this new series starts immediately after the 'Sword of Truth' books en
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781789541205
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2019
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 224
'This is not the way I wanted it to be. Any time but now. Even if by a miracle these children are born, their birth will be their death sentence' Kahlan Amnell.
Only magic protects D'Hara from the Golden Goddess and her kind, the magic of Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell, the magic that the Mother Confessor carries within her womb.
To take this world, the Goddess must ensure Richard and Kahlan's children are never born.
In the dark shadows of the People's Palace the predators are gathering, watching, learning, feeding...
Hateful Things is the second episode in Terry Goodkind's new serial novel, The Children of D'Hara. Told in irresistibly intense instalments, this is the story of a world confronted by an apocalyptic nightmare.
'I want to introduce everyone to THE CHILDREN OF D'HARA, a new series that continues the story of the lives of Richard and Kahlan. This is a journey that began 25 years ago with the 1994 release of WIZARD'S FIRST RULE, when Richard first met Kahlan that fateful day in the Hartland woods.
After the Sword of Truth series ended, I knew there was more to Richard and Kahlan's story. Much more. A whole world more. For years, readers have asked me about Richard and Kahlan's lives after the Sword of Truth series... and importantly, about their children.
While my masterwork, Sword of Truth, concluded with WARHEART 20 languages and 26 million books sold I was burning to tell readers more about Richard and Kahlan. For that reason, this new series starts immediately after the 'Sword of Truth' books en