Discover a thought-provoking exploration of love and society in *Not So Casual Encounters*. This engaging narrative follows thirty-something Nick as he navigates the complexities of modern relationships amidst the backdrop of rampant consumerism and digital noise. Set against Parramatta Road's bustling chaos, Nick's journey to reconnect with his former girlfriend, Penny, unfolds as he grapples with high capitalism's impact on human connections. The novel's vivid portrayal of Nick's introspection guides readers through his memories, including poignant moments from the Gulf War and personal reflections on lost love. Capturing the essence of contemporary life, this book asks vital questions about belonging and the challenges of maintaining genuine relationships in an era defined by fleeting interactions. Perfect for readers seeking a deep dive into modern romance and societal commentary, *Not So Casual Encounters* merges insightful storytelling with a critique of today's fast-paced world. Written by a celebrated author and published by UWA Publishing in 2012, this brand new edition enriches your reading collection. Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742584157
Year: 2012
Publisher: UWA Publishing
Thirty-something Nick is walking down Parramatta Road's six lanes of thundering traffic to see his former girlfriend Penny for the first time since they agreed to be 'just friends'. By the novel's end, he is racing back up that same road so he doesn't lose her.
Nick and Penny's awkward romance is played out against the backdrop of high capitalism and the rise of the digital age. Bombarded by advertisements, slogans, news, wars, politics and consumerism, just a little silence is hard to find. Even in the bedroom with the woman he wants so much to love, Nick's mind spirals off to other times and places.
Through him we revisit the Gulf War watched on a rented TV in a London flat; we meet the girl who broke his heart; and veteran political journalist Kerry O'Brien interviews Margaret Thatcher in a pastiche of Molly Bloom's soliloquy. In the hyperbolic, media-driven world they inhabit, can Nick and Penny somehow find ways of being, and maybe even being together?
In a world of casualised employment, media saturation and a constant push for market innovation, what happens to the fundamental human need for belonging? What happens to the most fundamental relationships between people when they are asked to build their lives on quicksand? What is it like to live and love in the time of contemporary capitalism?
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742584157
Year: 2012
Publisher: UWA Publishing
Thirty-something Nick is walking down Parramatta Road's six lanes of thundering traffic to see his former girlfriend Penny for the first time since they agreed to be 'just friends'. By the novel's end, he is racing back up that same road so he doesn't lose her.
Nick and Penny's awkward romance is played out against the backdrop of high capitalism and the rise of the digital age. Bombarded by advertisements, slogans, news, wars, politics and consumerism, just a little silence is hard to find. Even in the bedroom with the woman he wants so much to love, Nick's mind spirals off to other times and places.
Through him we revisit the Gulf War watched on a rented TV in a London flat; we meet the girl who broke his heart; and veteran political journalist Kerry O'Brien interviews Margaret Thatcher in a pastiche of Molly Bloom's soliloquy. In the hyperbolic, media-driven world they inhabit, can Nick and Penny somehow find ways of being, and maybe even being together?
In a world of casualised employment, media saturation and a constant push for market innovation, what happens to the fundamental human need for belonging? What happens to the most fundamental relationships between people when they are asked to build their lives on quicksand? What is it like to live and love in the time of contemporary capitalism?