Discover the heartwarming tale of 'Goodnight Mister Tom' by Michelle Magorian, a modern classic that captivates readers of all ages. This book chronicles the life-changing relationship between young Willie Beech and the grumpy but kind-hearted Tom Oakley during a tumultuous time in British history – the Second World War. This poignant story is perfect for those seeking an unforgettable journey of friendship, resilience, and the impact of war on children. As Willie is evacuated to the English countryside, he transforms from a troubled, sad child to a blossoming young boy, thanks to Tom's caring influence. However, Willie's happiness is short-lived when his mother's desperate summons pulls him back to London, leading to a shocking revelation that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Recommended for fans of historical fiction and poignant narratives, 'Goodnight Mister Tom' is a must-read that resonates with themes of love, loss, and personal growth. This anniversary edition celebrates 40 years of this cherished title, making it the perfect addition to any bookshelf. Excellent for school projects or casual reading, this B-format paperback is published by Penguin UK and contains 384 pages of emotional storytelling. Order now and immerse yourself in a world where hope and humanity shine even in the darkest times. Delivery information is as follows: Quick and reliable shipping options are available to ensure that you receive your order promptly and in perfect condition.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141354804
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2014
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 384
The 40th anniversary of Puffin's bestselling modern classic title.
The 40th anniversary of one of the best-loved stories set during the Second World War.
Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian is the unforgettable story of young Willie Beech, evacuated to the country as Britain stands on the brink of the Second World War. A sad, deprived child, he slowly begins to flourish under the unlikely care of grumpy old Tom Oakley. But then his new-found happiness is shattered by a summons from his mother to return to London. As the weeks pass by Tom begins to worry when William doesn't answer his letters, so he goes to London to find him, and there makes a terrible discovery.
Winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction Award.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141354804
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2014
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 384
The 40th anniversary of Puffin's bestselling modern classic title.
The 40th anniversary of one of the best-loved stories set during the Second World War.
Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian is the unforgettable story of young Willie Beech, evacuated to the country as Britain stands on the brink of the Second World War. A sad, deprived child, he slowly begins to flourish under the unlikely care of grumpy old Tom Oakley. But then his new-found happiness is shattered by a summons from his mother to return to London. As the weeks pass by Tom begins to worry when William doesn't answer his letters, so he goes to London to find him, and there makes a terrible discovery.
Winner of the Guardian Children's Fiction Award.