Step into the tumultuous world of Kansas in 1857, where danger and adventure await at every turn. In this gripping historical fiction novel, Lee Madden, a weary soul seeking a fresh start, joins a brave wagon train heading westward towards Oregon. The story unfolds under the watchful eye of Lee's old friend, Jake Twelvetrees, who leads the group through perilous territory along the famed Platte River Road. As they navigate the hostile environment filled with potential threats from Native American tribes and the personal vendetta of a ruthless border ruffian named Deacon Swain, Lee's skills with a gun become invaluable. Amidst the chaos, a burgeoning romance with the widowed Martha offers a glimmer of hope – but can their love withstand the fierce opposition they face? With 160 pages of vivid storytelling, this paperback edition from The Crowood Press brings to life the struggles and triumphs of a westward journey in a beautifully detailed narrative. Don't miss out on this spellbinding tale of resilience, love, and survival. Order now and transport yourself to a time when the call of the wild beckoned to those brave enough to answer. Delivery information: Fast and reliable shipping options available for all orders.
By Bedford, Paul
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages 160
Publisher The Crowood Press
Kansas in 1857 is a dangerous place to live. Lee Madden, tired of the relentless cycle of violence, joins a westward bound wagon train led by his old army friend, Jake Twelvetrees. Good with a gun, it is Lee's job to protect the settlers on their journey to Oregon from the hostile tribes along the famous Platte River Road. Unfortunately for him, they will not be the only threat. His past catches up with him in the brutal shape of Deacon Swain, a 'border ruffian' out to avenge the killing, back in Kansas, of his younger brother. There are compensations though. After a vicious clash with Pawnee Indians, Lee finds himself increasingly attracted to the newly widowed Martha. The question is, can their relationship survive both his deadly feud with Swain and a determined assault on the wagon train by Sioux Indians in the foothills of the Rockies?
By Bedford, Paul
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages 160
Publisher The Crowood Press
Kansas in 1857 is a dangerous place to live. Lee Madden, tired of the relentless cycle of violence, joins a westward bound wagon train led by his old army friend, Jake Twelvetrees. Good with a gun, it is Lee's job to protect the settlers on their journey to Oregon from the hostile tribes along the famous Platte River Road. Unfortunately for him, they will not be the only threat. His past catches up with him in the brutal shape of Deacon Swain, a 'border ruffian' out to avenge the killing, back in Kansas, of his younger brother. There are compensations though. After a vicious clash with Pawnee Indians, Lee finds himself increasingly attracted to the newly widowed Martha. The question is, can their relationship survive both his deadly feud with Swain and a determined assault on the wagon train by Sioux Indians in the foothills of the Rockies?