Title: Going Places! (Little Drivers)
Publisher: Child's Play International
Publication Date: 2006
Binding: Paperback
Everyone wants to be the driver! Slip the double-sided figure into the acetate pocket to give the boy or girl the chance to drive a variety of public transport vehicles in these innovative board books.
Slip the double-sided figure into the acetate pocket to give the boy or girl the chance to drive a variety of vehicles in these board books. You can choose to drive public transport, public service, working or emergency vehicles.
Title: Going Places! (Little Drivers)
Publisher: Child's Play International
Publication Date: 2006
Binding: Paperback
Everyone wants to be the driver! Slip the double-sided figure into the acetate pocket to give the boy or girl the chance to drive a variety of public transport vehicles in these innovative board books.
Slip the double-sided figure into the acetate pocket to give the boy or girl the chance to drive a variety of vehicles in these board books. You can choose to drive public transport, public service, working or emergency vehicles.