Discover the enchanting world of 'Go Go and the Silver Shoes,' a heartwarming picture book by the acclaimed duo Jane Godwin and Anna Walker. Ideal for children, this story beautifully weaves themes of individuality, creativity, and the special bonds of friendship. The protagonist, Go Go, a spirited little girl, showcases her vibrant personality through her unique fashion sense, primarily adorned with hand-me-downs from her three older brothers. Her only treasured new items are her underwear and shoes – particularly her dazzling silver shoes that symbolize confidence and expression. But during a family picnic, disaster strikes as she loses one of her beloved silver shoes in the creek, leaving her heartbroken. Despite the loss of her treasured item, Go Go's resilience shines through as she continues to proudly wear her remaining shoe. Little does she know, a new girl at school possesses a shoe that mirrors her own, leading to a delightful and surprising friendship. This beautifully illustrated picture book, published by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd, has 32 pages of captivating storytelling that encourages children to embrace their uniqueness. Perfect for readers aged 4 to 8, 'Go Go and the Silver Shoes' is not just a tale of loss but a celebration of friendship, allowing young minds to explore emotions and connections. Order now and let your child embark on this charming journey full of lessons about having confidence in oneself and the value of friendships.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143785538
Format: Picture book
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 32
The next heartfelt picture book from the winning team of Jane Godwin & Anna Walker, about how a precious lost shoe leads a little girl to an even more precious friendship.
Go Go is confident and creative about her clothes, even though most of them are hand-me-downs from her three older brothers. The only new things she ever gets are underwear and shoes. That's why she loves new shoes, especially her latest and most precious silver shoes. But despite her mother's warnings, Go Go wears them on a family picnic and loses one in the creek. Go Go is devastated, but continues to wear her one remaining silver shoe, until one day a new girl at school realises that she has one just like it...
A beautiful story about being confidently individual and about the power of friendship.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143785538
Format: Picture book
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 32
The next heartfelt picture book from the winning team of Jane Godwin & Anna Walker, about how a precious lost shoe leads a little girl to an even more precious friendship.
Go Go is confident and creative about her clothes, even though most of them are hand-me-downs from her three older brothers. The only new things she ever gets are underwear and shoes. That's why she loves new shoes, especially her latest and most precious silver shoes. But despite her mother's warnings, Go Go wears them on a family picnic and loses one in the creek. Go Go is devastated, but continues to wear her one remaining silver shoe, until one day a new girl at school realises that she has one just like it...
A beautiful story about being confidently individual and about the power of friendship.