Discover the gripping tale of brotherhood and creativity in ancient Sicily with this brand-new trade paperback, set for release in 2024. In a world altered by war, the vibrant story unfolds in 412 BC, capturing the turmoil following Athens' catastrophic invasion of Sicily. This captivating narrative revolves around two local potters, Lampo and Gelon, whose lives are turned upside down as they encounter a group of starving Athenian soldiers held captive in the quarries of Syracuse. With nothing but despair surrounding them, the prisoners cling to hope through the timeless works of Euripides. Driven by an unexpected spark of inspiration, Lampo and Gelon devise a daring plan to perform *Medea*, creating a powerful connection that transcends enmity and transforms the quarry into a stage of human resilience and artistic expression.
This beautifully written novel explores themes of friendship, ambition, and the impact of art in turbulent times. As the performance draws near, conflicts of loyalty and identity arise, challenging traditions and perspectives in the face of adversity. Readers will be captivated by Lampo’s uplifting journey as he discovers courage and purpose in an unpredictable world, making this an essential read for fans of historical fiction and stories steeped in rich cultural heritage.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241667224
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2024
Publisher: Penguin UK
Order now and explore the profound depths of the human spirit through a narrative that dares to dream beyond the present.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241667224
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2024
Publisher: Penguin UK
An exhilarating and fiercely original story of brotherhood, war and art, set in ancient Sicily
So Gelon says to me, 'Let's go down and feed the Athenians. The weather's perfect for feeding Athenians.'
It's 412 BC, and Athens' invasion of Sicily has failed catastrophically. Thousands of Athenian soldiers are held captive in the quarries of Syracuse, starving, dejected and hanging on by the slimmest of threads.
Lampo and Gelon are local potters, young men with no work and barely two obols to rub together. With not much to fill their time, they take to visiting the nearby quarry, where they discover prisoners who will, in desperation, recite lines from the plays of Euripides in return for scraps of bread and a scattering of olives.
And so an idea is born- the men will put on Medea in the quarry. A proper performance to be sung of down the ages. Because after all, you can hate the Athenians for invading your territory, but still love their poetry.
But as the performance draws near and the audacity of their enterprise dawns on them, it becomes difficult to distinguish between enemies and friends. And Lampo, whose ambitions have never stretched beyond having enough coin for the next jug of wine, finds his aspirations elevated, his heart entangled and his courage tested in ways he could never have imagined.
Glorious Exploits is an exhilarating and fiercely original story of brotherhood, war and art; and - in the face of the Gods' apparent indifference - of daring to dream of something bigger than ourselves.
This beautifully written novel explores themes of friendship, ambition, and the impact of art in turbulent times. As the performance draws near, conflicts of loyalty and identity arise, challenging traditions and perspectives in the face of adversity. Readers will be captivated by Lampo’s uplifting journey as he discovers courage and purpose in an unpredictable world, making this an essential read for fans of historical fiction and stories steeped in rich cultural heritage.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241667224
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2024
Publisher: Penguin UK
Order now and explore the profound depths of the human spirit through a narrative that dares to dream beyond the present.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241667224
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2024
Publisher: Penguin UK
An exhilarating and fiercely original story of brotherhood, war and art, set in ancient Sicily
So Gelon says to me, 'Let's go down and feed the Athenians. The weather's perfect for feeding Athenians.'
It's 412 BC, and Athens' invasion of Sicily has failed catastrophically. Thousands of Athenian soldiers are held captive in the quarries of Syracuse, starving, dejected and hanging on by the slimmest of threads.
Lampo and Gelon are local potters, young men with no work and barely two obols to rub together. With not much to fill their time, they take to visiting the nearby quarry, where they discover prisoners who will, in desperation, recite lines from the plays of Euripides in return for scraps of bread and a scattering of olives.
And so an idea is born- the men will put on Medea in the quarry. A proper performance to be sung of down the ages. Because after all, you can hate the Athenians for invading your territory, but still love their poetry.
But as the performance draws near and the audacity of their enterprise dawns on them, it becomes difficult to distinguish between enemies and friends. And Lampo, whose ambitions have never stretched beyond having enough coin for the next jug of wine, finds his aspirations elevated, his heart entangled and his courage tested in ways he could never have imagined.
Glorious Exploits is an exhilarating and fiercely original story of brotherhood, war and art; and - in the face of the Gods' apparent indifference - of daring to dream of something bigger than ourselves.