Dive into a gripping tale of love, courage, and sacrifice set against the backdrop of WWII in the evocative novel 'Glorious Boy'. This captivating story unfolds in 1942, as the Japanese invasion intensifies in Burma, threatening the safety of India. Follow Claire Durant, an aspiring anthropologist, and her husband Shep, a civil surgeon, as they prepare to evacuate the isolated Andaman Islands with their beloved four-year-old son, Ty, who is mysteriously mute. Their lives take a heart-wrenching turn when they are forced to leave behind Naila, the local girl who has formed an essential bond with Ty. On the fateful morning of their evacuation, both children vanish, plunging Claire into a desperate race against time. As Shep stays behind to search for their son, Claire faces her own peril upon reaching Calcutta, where she learns that the Japanese forces have cut off access to her missing family. With themes of family bonds, the significance of communication, and the resilience of the human spirit, 'Glorious Boy' delivers an unforgettable reading experience. This brand new trade paperback edition, published by Red Hen Press in 2021, is a must-read for fans of historical fiction. Immerse yourself in this compelling narrative that explores the depths of parental love and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones. Order now and enjoy free shipping on this compelling journey to save a 'glorious boy'. Just a note: please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781597098892
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Red Hen Press
It's 1942. The Japanese have invaded Burma and are closing in on India. After five years in the remote Andaman Islands, aspiring anthropologist Claire Durant and her husband Shep, a civil surgeon, must evacuate with their beloved but mysteriously mute four-year-old, Ty. They cannot, however, take Naila, the local girl whose ability to communicate with Ty has made them dangerously dependent on her. The morning of the evacuation, both children disappear. With time running out, Shep forces Claire onto the ship while he stays behind to find their son. But just days after landing in Calcutta, Claire learns that the Japanese have taken the Andamans--and cut off all access to her missing family. In the desperate odyssey that follows, Claire, Shep, and Naila will all take unimaginable risks while drawing deeply from their knowledge of these unique islands to save their beloved "glorious boy."
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781597098892
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2021
Publisher: Red Hen Press
It's 1942. The Japanese have invaded Burma and are closing in on India. After five years in the remote Andaman Islands, aspiring anthropologist Claire Durant and her husband Shep, a civil surgeon, must evacuate with their beloved but mysteriously mute four-year-old, Ty. They cannot, however, take Naila, the local girl whose ability to communicate with Ty has made them dangerously dependent on her. The morning of the evacuation, both children disappear. With time running out, Shep forces Claire onto the ship while he stays behind to find their son. But just days after landing in Calcutta, Claire learns that the Japanese have taken the Andamans--and cut off all access to her missing family. In the desperate odyssey that follows, Claire, Shep, and Naila will all take unimaginable risks while drawing deeply from their knowledge of these unique islands to save their beloved "glorious boy."