Discover the enchanting world of the Glitterwings Bookweek Blund #1, where adventure meets enchantment! In this captivating tale, you'll meet the Minipegs—cheeky, magical flying horses that come to life when grown-ups aren't watching. With vibrant illustrations and a whimsical storyline, this delightful book promises to spark the imagination of young readers. Perfect for children aged 7 to 12, this story captures the laughter and magic of childhood, exemplifying the importance of friendship and creativity. After receiving six colorful Minipeg toy horses from their Nana, sisters Sophia and Clara embark on a series of thrilling escapades that are both fun and mischievous. With 96 pages of captivating storytelling from Scholastic New Zealand, Glitterwings will keep your kids engaged and entertained. It's perfect for Book Week celebrations and is an ideal addition to any child's library. The Minipegs, with their own language, buzz when they’re mad and purr when they’re glad, bringing a sense of joy and fantasy to daily life. Available in brand new condition, it's the perfect gift to ignite a love for reading in children.
ISBN: 9781775434238
Number of Pages 96
"Meet the Minipegs! These cheeky little flying horses are no ordinary toys... they come to life when the grown-ups arent looking! They buzz when theyre mad and purr when theyre glad, and they even have their own language.Sisters Sophia and Clara are given six colourful little toy... horses by their Nana, and soon discover that the horses come to life when grown-ups aren't looking. Only the horses are mischievous and keep getting the sisters into trouble.Racing through a series of madcap adventures, the Minipegs definitely add dazzle and sparkle to everyday life for the sisters, their friends and family"--Publisher information.Read less
ISBN: 9781775434238
Number of Pages 96
"Meet the Minipegs! These cheeky little flying horses are no ordinary toys... they come to life when the grown-ups arent looking! They buzz when theyre mad and purr when theyre glad, and they even have their own language.Sisters Sophia and Clara are given six colourful little toy... horses by their Nana, and soon discover that the horses come to life when grown-ups aren't looking. Only the horses are mischievous and keep getting the sisters into trouble.Racing through a series of madcap adventures, the Minipegs definitely add dazzle and sparkle to everyday life for the sisters, their friends and family"--Publisher information.Read less