Experience the enchanting tale of Gliding Flight, a captivating novel that merges the whimsical imagination of a fourteen-year-old boy named Gieles with the gripping realities of life. Set against a stunning backdrop of a reclaimed landscape, Gieles lives with his father and a flock of geese on a-plane spotters' campsite right next to a bustling airstrip. This inventive story explores themes of isolation, longing, and the quest for connection, as Gieles yearns for the mysterious girl he met online and seeks his mother’s elusive affection.
As Gieles devises a daring plan to capture his mother's attention and become a hero like Captain Sully, readers will be drawn into a narrative filled with heart and courage. This trade paperback edition, published by World Editions in 2019, is perfect for anyone who loves adventurous young adult fiction that combines fantasy with real-world challenges. With each page, Goemans invites readers to soar through dreams and aspirations while reflecting on the unique bonds of family and friendship.
Ideal for young adult audiences and anyone with a love for evocative storytelling, Gliding Flight is a must-read. Order now and dive into the world of Gieles, where every moment is an opportunity to glide through life's adventures.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Enjoy the beautiful journey through this remarkable narrative today!
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781642860085
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2019
Publisher: World Editions
Inventive, dreamy Gieles lives with his father and a flock of geese on a plane-spotters' campsite next to an airstrip. The surrounding landscape reclaimed from the sea, is as isolated as Gieles himself. The fourteen-year-old boy is longing for the mysterious dreadlocked girl he's met online, and for the affection of his absent mother, off on hapless missions to save the world. The boy conceives a desperate, dangerous plan to attract his mother's attention. He'll be a hero. Just like Captain Sully, who bravely landed on the Hudson after geese flew into his engines.
Goemans' charmingly upbeat novel describes the fantasy-driven world of a teenage boy. At the same time, it tells the incredible story about how the Dutch turned water into land.
As Gieles devises a daring plan to capture his mother's attention and become a hero like Captain Sully, readers will be drawn into a narrative filled with heart and courage. This trade paperback edition, published by World Editions in 2019, is perfect for anyone who loves adventurous young adult fiction that combines fantasy with real-world challenges. With each page, Goemans invites readers to soar through dreams and aspirations while reflecting on the unique bonds of family and friendship.
Ideal for young adult audiences and anyone with a love for evocative storytelling, Gliding Flight is a must-read. Order now and dive into the world of Gieles, where every moment is an opportunity to glide through life's adventures.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Enjoy the beautiful journey through this remarkable narrative today!
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781642860085
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2019
Publisher: World Editions
Inventive, dreamy Gieles lives with his father and a flock of geese on a plane-spotters' campsite next to an airstrip. The surrounding landscape reclaimed from the sea, is as isolated as Gieles himself. The fourteen-year-old boy is longing for the mysterious dreadlocked girl he's met online, and for the affection of his absent mother, off on hapless missions to save the world. The boy conceives a desperate, dangerous plan to attract his mother's attention. He'll be a hero. Just like Captain Sully, who bravely landed on the Hudson after geese flew into his engines.
Goemans' charmingly upbeat novel describes the fantasy-driven world of a teenage boy. At the same time, it tells the incredible story about how the Dutch turned water into land.