Discover the poignant narrative of *Gilgamesh*, a captivating B-format paperback freshly published in 2018 by Penguin Australia. This remarkable novel unfolds the epic tale of a mother's relentless search for the father of her child, weaving through diverse landscapes from Australia to Armenia, while tracing paths through England and ancient Mesopotamia. As the backdrop of the imminent Second World War looms, this book intricately explores themes of love, loss, and the human spirit's resilience in the face of crisis.
With 272 pages of evocative storytelling, *Gilgamesh* is not just a literary work; it’s a journey that resonates with anyone who has ever faced extraordinary challenges. Narrated in a clear, poetic voice, this book captures the essence of the different journeys we take through life, making it an essential read for those interested in historical fiction and epic family sagas. Dive into this profound exploration of human connections and the impact of war on ordinary lives.
This title is perfect for enthusiasts of classic literature, book clubs, and anyone who appreciates deeply emotional narratives. Order now and embark on the adventure of *Gilgamesh* today, with fast shipping options available to bring this outstanding read right to your doorstep.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143790013
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 272
Gilgamesh is the epic story of a mother's search for the father of her child - from Australia to Armenia via England and Mesopotamia - all under the shadow of the imminent, and soon to be very real, Second World War.
Gilgamesh is the epic story of a mother's search for the father of her child - from Australia to Armenia via England and Mesopotamia - all under the shadow of the imminent, and soon to be very real, Second World War. Narrated in a clear, poetic voice, it is a portrayal of the different journeys we choose to take through life and what happens when ordinary people get caught up in extraordinary, seismic events.
With 272 pages of evocative storytelling, *Gilgamesh* is not just a literary work; it’s a journey that resonates with anyone who has ever faced extraordinary challenges. Narrated in a clear, poetic voice, this book captures the essence of the different journeys we take through life, making it an essential read for those interested in historical fiction and epic family sagas. Dive into this profound exploration of human connections and the impact of war on ordinary lives.
This title is perfect for enthusiasts of classic literature, book clubs, and anyone who appreciates deeply emotional narratives. Order now and embark on the adventure of *Gilgamesh* today, with fast shipping options available to bring this outstanding read right to your doorstep.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143790013
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2018
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 272
Gilgamesh is the epic story of a mother's search for the father of her child - from Australia to Armenia via England and Mesopotamia - all under the shadow of the imminent, and soon to be very real, Second World War.
Gilgamesh is the epic story of a mother's search for the father of her child - from Australia to Armenia via England and Mesopotamia - all under the shadow of the imminent, and soon to be very real, Second World War. Narrated in a clear, poetic voice, it is a portrayal of the different journeys we choose to take through life and what happens when ordinary people get caught up in extraordinary, seismic events.