Discover the enchanting novella 'Gigi,' a captivating tale set in the luxurious Parisian world of the early 20th century. This beautifully crafted B-format paperback, published by Random House UK in 2022, explores the life of Gigi, a young girl groomed for a life as a courtesan. Through the eyes of Colette, the iconic French author, we delve into Gigi's exploration of love, identity, and independence. With 160 pages of rich prose, this book invites readers to enjoy the opulent lifestyle filled with cigars, lobsters, and lace while challenging societal norms. Perfect for those who appreciate classic literature and strong female protagonists, 'Gigi' presents a unique perspective on womanhood. This brand new edition, with ISBN 9781784877439, is an essential addition to your literary collection. Order now and immerse yourself in Gigi's world where tradition meets rebellion, and passion intertwines with purpose. Fast and reliable delivery options ensure you can start your reading adventure without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781784877439
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Pages: 160
'He must know by now, I should think, that I can give as good as I get!'
This is the story of Gigi, educated as a future courtesan in Paris, her days are filled with cigars, lobster, lace and superstitions. Bored and unconvinced by what she's taught, Gigi surprises everyone with her earnest approach to love.
In this classic turn-of-the-century novella, Colette unveils Gigi's journey into womanhood in rich and supple prose.
Meet ten of literature's most iconic heroines, jacketed in bold portraits by female photographers from around the world.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781784877439
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Pages: 160
'He must know by now, I should think, that I can give as good as I get!'
This is the story of Gigi, educated as a future courtesan in Paris, her days are filled with cigars, lobster, lace and superstitions. Bored and unconvinced by what she's taught, Gigi surprises everyone with her earnest approach to love.
In this classic turn-of-the-century novella, Colette unveils Gigi's journey into womanhood in rich and supple prose.
Meet ten of literature's most iconic heroines, jacketed in bold portraits by female photographers from around the world.