Discover the heartwarming tale of 'Gasari's Herd,' a beautifully illustrated narrative that captivates young readers. This enchanting story follows Gasari, a brave and fearless elephant whose journey begins when her herd is captured by humans, leaving her alone in a vast jungle. The narrative explores themes of friendship, survival, and the important concept of belonging, making it perfect for children in Year levels 1 and 2. With 24 pages of engaging text, readers will join Gasari as she discovers her strength and bravery after saving a young elephant's life. In turn, she is welcomed into a new herd, teaching children the significance of community and empathy in nature. This book is part of the award-winning 'Flying Start to Literacy' series, designed to develop students' reading strategies, skills, and comprehension. Enhance your child’s literacy journey with this captivating text that includes vital curriculum links to Civics and Citizenship. Ideal for enhancing vocabulary and phonic skills, this title also offers supportive lesson plans for educators. Don't miss out on this essential narrative resource for young learners!
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Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742341057
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 24
About this text:Title:Gasari's Herd Synopsis:  Gasari’s Herd is a narrative about an elephant whose herd is captured by humans, leaving Gasari all alone. One day she saves a young elephant’s life and is welcomed into a new herd by the young elephant’s family. Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 16 Text type: Narrative Curriculum link: Civics and Citizenship: Roles and responsibilities Content vocabulary: belonged brave discover elephant exploring fearless friend/ly frightened Gasari gun jungle river scared survive High frequency words: Key concepts: Some animals live in herds. Sometimes an animal leaves its herd to join another herd. Reading strategies: Making inferences about a character Phonics: Identifying the vowel digraph er as in her and herd Paired text: Nadif's New Life Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Nadif's New Life / Gasari's Herd Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English languag
NOTE: Shipping for this item is FREE, please allow 15 days for shipping. As its shipped from our Auckland warehouse there is no unexpected import charges, custom duties or taxes.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781742341057
Year: 2019
Publisher: ECPP
Pages: 24
About this text:Title:Gasari's Herd Synopsis:  Gasari’s Herd is a narrative about an elephant whose herd is captured by humans, leaving Gasari all alone. One day she saves a young elephant’s life and is welcomed into a new herd by the young elephant’s family. Year level(s): 1  2 Reading level: 16 Text type: Narrative Curriculum link: Civics and Citizenship: Roles and responsibilities Content vocabulary: belonged brave discover elephant exploring fearless friend/ly frightened Gasari gun jungle river scared survive High frequency words: Key concepts: Some animals live in herds. Sometimes an animal leaves its herd to join another herd. Reading strategies: Making inferences about a character Phonics: Identifying the vowel digraph er as in her and herd Paired text: Nadif's New Life Supporting material: Lesson Plan - Nadif's New Life / Gasari's Herd Series: Flying Start to Literacy Alternative purchasing options: This title is available in one of several value packs. Speak to your Oxford Education consultant today to learn more Digital sample pages: can be viewed at Series information: Flying Start to Literacy is an award-winning comprehensive literacy program. It reflects best practice in literacy instruction and supports the systematic development of students’ reading strategies and skills. Each Student Book is part of connected pair, a narrative book and an informative book, both presenting the same key concepts and vocabulary. These titles have been trialled with a range of readers, including English languag