Discover the thrilling world of 'Game Theory', a captivating novel that intertwines mathematics, family dynamics, and high-stakes drama. Published in 2016 by A&U Children's, this 320-page page-turner follows Jamie, a brilliant sixteen-year-old math whiz who navigates a perilous situation when his older sister, Summerlee, abruptly severs all family ties after winning a staggering $7.5 million lottery. As tensions mount at home, a new crisis unfolds when Jamie's younger sister Phoebe is kidnapped for ransom, forcing Jamie to rely on his understanding of game theory – an intricate strategy that helps predict an opponent's actions. Will Jamie's mathematical prowess be enough to outsmart the kidnapper and save his sister, or will his efforts lead to unforeseen consequences? Experience this compelling story that emphasizes the impact of wealth on relationships and the intense struggles within a fractured family. With its rich narrative and expert storytelling, 'Game Theory' will keep readers on the edge of their seats and challenge their perceptions of risk and reward. Perfect for fans of suspenseful reads and mathematical intrigue, this book is destined to be a must-have addition to your collection. Enjoy fast, reliable delivery to ensure you receive this brilliant novel promptly, making it a perfect gift or personal read for enthusiasts of gripping young adult literature.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760290153
Year: 2016
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 320
Game theory has brought me to this point and I must follow where it leads. Even though this is not a game.
Jamie is a sixteen-year-old maths whiz. Summerlee, his older sister, is in the grip of a wild phase. Tensions at home run high.
When Summerlee wins a 7.5-million-dollar lottery, she cuts all ties with her family. But money can cause trouble - big trouble. And when Jamie's younger sister Phoebe is kidnapped for a ransom, the family faces a crisis almost too painful to bear.
Jamie thinks he can use game theory - the strategy of predicting an opponent's actions - to get Phoebe back. But can he outfox the kidnapper? Or is he putting his own and his sister's life at risk?
A brilliant, page-turning novel from a superb storyteller.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760290153
Year: 2016
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 320
Game theory has brought me to this point and I must follow where it leads. Even though this is not a game.
Jamie is a sixteen-year-old maths whiz. Summerlee, his older sister, is in the grip of a wild phase. Tensions at home run high.
When Summerlee wins a 7.5-million-dollar lottery, she cuts all ties with her family. But money can cause trouble - big trouble. And when Jamie's younger sister Phoebe is kidnapped for a ransom, the family faces a crisis almost too painful to bear.
Jamie thinks he can use game theory - the strategy of predicting an opponent's actions - to get Phoebe back. But can he outfox the kidnapper? Or is he putting his own and his sister's life at risk?
A brilliant, page-turning novel from a superb storyteller.