Embark on an enthralling adventure in the graphic novel 'Future State: Dark Detective' by Mariko Tamaki. Set in a dystopian Gotham City, this thrilling narrative dives deep into a future where the Magistrate, a formidable military and surveillance corporation, shapes an oppressive reality reminiscent of Orwell's 1984. As Gotham spirals into a surveillance state devoid of vigilante justice, Bruce Wayne, believed to be deceased, must rise from the shadows. This gripping saga chronicles Batman's desperate struggle against the omnipresent Magistrate and their all-seeing EYES, underscoring themes of resistance and hope in a world filled with despair. With a total of 344 pages filled with stunning artwork and compelling storytelling, 'Future State: Dark Detective' captures the essence of the beloved DC Universe while introducing fresh new characters taking on iconic roles. This collection includes issues from 'Future State: Dark Detective' #1-4 and associated titles like 'Catwoman', 'Harley Quinn', and 'Robin Eternal', making it a must-have for comic book lovers and DC enthusiasts alike. Don't miss out on this pivotal chapter in DC's evolution. Order your copy today and discover Gotham like never before. Get ready for an unforgettable journey as Batman takes on a mission to dismantle the Magistrate and rescue his city, no matter the cost. Fast delivery options available!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779510716
Year: 2021
Pages: 344
New York Times bestselling and Eisner-winning author Mariko Tamaki reveals a potential future state of Gotham, a militaristic reality that rivals 1984.
Welcome to the possible future state of Gotham. The Magistrate, a freelance military and surveillance corporation, has been hired by Gotham's leadership to turn the old city into a futuristic surveillance state free of vigilante-based crime/heroics.
Batman, horrified to see what his city was becoming, fought tooth and nail against Magistrate--and they killed him for it. Or did they? Bruce Wayne survived this assassination attempt, and has been laying low for years now trying to sort out how to beat Magistrate. The only problem? He doesn't think he can anymore. They're too big, they're too powerful. And the latest horrific revelation? They have EYES EVERYWHERE.
It's left to Batman for one last mission. Destroy their command center, expose the drones, and free the city. Whatever the cost.
Collects Future State- Dark Detective #1-4; Future State- Catwoman #1-2; Future State- Harley Quinn #1-2; Future State- Robin Eternal #1-2; Future State- Batman/Superman #1-2
DC Future State spotlights the World's Greatest Super Heroes in fresh new roles, with all-new characters taking up their iconic mantles. DC Future State features an incredible array of creative talent, combining award-winning writers and artists with new voices from the worlds of TV, movies and animation. Discover the DC Universe like never before!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779510716
Year: 2021
Pages: 344
New York Times bestselling and Eisner-winning author Mariko Tamaki reveals a potential future state of Gotham, a militaristic reality that rivals 1984.
Welcome to the possible future state of Gotham. The Magistrate, a freelance military and surveillance corporation, has been hired by Gotham's leadership to turn the old city into a futuristic surveillance state free of vigilante-based crime/heroics.
Batman, horrified to see what his city was becoming, fought tooth and nail against Magistrate--and they killed him for it. Or did they? Bruce Wayne survived this assassination attempt, and has been laying low for years now trying to sort out how to beat Magistrate. The only problem? He doesn't think he can anymore. They're too big, they're too powerful. And the latest horrific revelation? They have EYES EVERYWHERE.
It's left to Batman for one last mission. Destroy their command center, expose the drones, and free the city. Whatever the cost.
Collects Future State- Dark Detective #1-4; Future State- Catwoman #1-2; Future State- Harley Quinn #1-2; Future State- Robin Eternal #1-2; Future State- Batman/Superman #1-2
DC Future State spotlights the World's Greatest Super Heroes in fresh new roles, with all-new characters taking up their iconic mantles. DC Future State features an incredible array of creative talent, combining award-winning writers and artists with new voices from the worlds of TV, movies and animation. Discover the DC Universe like never before!