Discover the gripping tale of resilience and friendship in 'Freedom Swimmer'. Set against the backdrop of China's 'Great Leap Forward', this captivating novel tells the story of Ming, a young boy who has survived the devastating famine that claimed his parents. Living a challenging yet sufficient life in the fields, Ming's existence takes a turn when a group of city boys arrives in his village as part of a Communist Party re-education program. Struggling to adapt to the harsh realities of village life, Ming and his friends initially view the newcomers with skepticism. However, a bond forms between Ming and Li, a charismatic city boy, as they share evening swims and weave their dreams together. As their friendship deepens, they confront the relentless challenges imposed by the Party's regime, igniting a desire for freedom that feels utterly unattainable. This beautifully written narrative captures the essence of youthful hope and the transformative power of camaraderie. Perfect for readers seeking historical fiction that inspires and provokes thought, 'Freedom Swimmer' is a must-read for those who appreciate stories of survival, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams. Published by A&U Children's in 2016, this brand new book includes 272 pages of powerful storytelling. Fast shipping options available to ensure you receive your order promptly, so dive into this enriching literary experience today.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760113414
Year: 2016
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 272
Ming survived the famine that killed his parents during China's 'Great Leap Forward', and lives a hard but adequate life, working in the fields.
When a group of city boys comes to the village as part of a Communist Party re-education program, Ming and his friends aren't sure what to make of the new arrivals. They're not used to hard labour and village life. But despite his reservations, Ming befriends a charming city boy called Li. The two couldn't be more different, but slowly they form a bond over evening swims and shared dreams.
But as the bitterness of life under the Party begins to take its toll on both boys, they begin to imagine the impossible: freedom.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760113414
Year: 2016
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 272
Ming survived the famine that killed his parents during China's 'Great Leap Forward', and lives a hard but adequate life, working in the fields.
When a group of city boys comes to the village as part of a Communist Party re-education program, Ming and his friends aren't sure what to make of the new arrivals. They're not used to hard labour and village life. But despite his reservations, Ming befriends a charming city boy called Li. The two couldn't be more different, but slowly they form a bond over evening swims and shared dreams.
But as the bitterness of life under the Party begins to take its toll on both boys, they begin to imagine the impossible: freedom.