Dive into an epic adventure with this captivating novel! Set against the backdrop of the stunning Irish Coast, this gripping tale follows young Liam as he navigates the haunting memories of a brutal pirate raid that decimated his fishing village. With a rich narrative woven by SCHOLASTIC NEW ZEALAND LTD, this brand-new release spans 448 pages of suspense, intrigue, and resilience. Will Liam's journey bring closure to his community’s tragic past? Will the wrecked pirate ship in Liam's bay offer salvation or further strife? This historical fiction book is perfect for readers who cherish tales of courage, loss, and the unyielding spirit of survival. Ideal for teenagers and young adults, this fiction treasure takes you on a rollercoaster ride as Liam grapples with the aftermath of the corsair pirates from the Barbary Coast. Experience the depth of human emotion as characters are forced to confront their darkest fears while seeking hope amidst despair. This book is a must-have for any reading collection. Order now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and adventure! Fast shipping available, ensuring you receive your copy promptly so you can begin your reading journey right away.
ISBN: 9781775431466
Number of Pages 448
Twenty-five years ago, young Liam's small fishing village on the Irish Coast was raided and its population decimated by brutal corsair pirates from the Barbary Coast who killed, plundered, and took a number of his people back to Northern Africa as slaves to Muslim masters. And no...w a pirate ship has been wrecked in Liam's bay, and survivors are struggling ashore...Read less
ISBN: 9781775431466
Number of Pages 448
Twenty-five years ago, young Liam's small fishing village on the Irish Coast was raided and its population decimated by brutal corsair pirates from the Barbary Coast who killed, plundered, and took a number of his people back to Northern Africa as slaves to Muslim masters. And no...w a pirate ship has been wrecked in Liam's bay, and survivors are struggling ashore...Read less