Discover the gripping tale of 'Forty Autumns,' a captivating memoir by Nina Willner, a former US Army intelligence officer. Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, this B-format paperback takes you on a journey through historical events that shaped Berlin and beyond. With 416 pages of rich storytelling, Willner shares her unique perspective as she worked to promote human rights and the rule of law in diverse locations including Moscow, Minsk, and Prague. This powerful narrative is not just a reflection of her experiences, but also an exploration of love, resilience, and the fight for freedom. Perfect for history buffs and those interested in military memoirs, 'Forty Autumns' provides a first-hand account of the realities faced during one of history's most tumultuous eras. Each page invites you to delve deeper into the human spirit's courage and perseverance. A must-read for anyone drawn to themes of justice, sacrifice, and personal growth. Grab your copy today and take advantage of our free shipping! Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Note that once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Get ready to be inspired by Nina's incredible life and her commitment to making the world a better place.
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Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780349141367
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2018
Publisher: Little Brown
Pages: 416
Nina Willner is a former US Army intelligence officer who served in Berlin during the Cold War. Following a career in intelligence, Nina worked in Moscow, Minsk and Prague promoting human rights, children's causes and the rule of law for the US Government, non-profit organizations and a variety of charities. She currently lives in Istanbul, Turkey. Forty Autumns is her first book.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780349141367
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2018
Publisher: Little Brown
Pages: 416
Nina Willner is a former US Army intelligence officer who served in Berlin during the Cold War. Following a career in intelligence, Nina worked in Moscow, Minsk and Prague promoting human rights, children's causes and the rule of law for the US Government, non-profit organizations and a variety of charities. She currently lives in Istanbul, Turkey. Forty Autumns is her first book.