Discover 'Flying Witch, 2', a charming and whimsical continuation of Chihiro Ishizuka's beloved series that perfectly blends magic, humor, and slice-of-life storytelling. Set against the serene backdrop of Aomori, Japan, this graphic novel invites readers into the enchanting life of high school teen Makoto as she navigates the realities of rural living with her mischievous black cat, Chito. With every turn of the page, immerse yourself in a world that echoes the absurdity of life found in popular titles like Yotsuba&! and Nichijou.
This surreal comedy showcases the traditional aspects of Japanese culture while depicting the trials and tribulations of a young witch honing her craft. With 160 beautifully illustrated pages, 'Flying Witch, 2' promises laughs and heartfelt moments as Makoto embraces her magical journey and reconnects with her roots.
Perfect for fans of light-hearted fantasy and comedy, this graphic novel serves as both a delightful standalone read and a wonderful addition to your collection. Ideal for those seeking a cozy, enchanting escape into a world filled with wonder, friendship, and the art of magic, 'Flying Witch, 2' is bound to charm readers of all ages.
**Delivery Information:** We ensure a speedy and reliable delivery. Each order is processed promptly, and you can expect your product to arrive within the specified time frame. Experience the joy of reading with 'Flying Witch, 2', and explore the magical journey that awaits!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781945054105
Year: 2017
Pages: 160
A surreal comedy in the vein of Yotsuba&! and Nichijou with a magical theme combines humor, slice of life and traditional Japanese culture in this debut work from Chihiro Ishizuka.
Makoto returns to rural Japan to work on her magic after being away for six years. In her new home, she along with her black cat Chito, share some of what she has learned as she gets used to living in a slower and more curious part of the country.
Story Locale- Aomori, Japan
Series Overview- High school teen Makoto returns home after six years of witch training to live in a new and slightly funnier world.
This surreal comedy showcases the traditional aspects of Japanese culture while depicting the trials and tribulations of a young witch honing her craft. With 160 beautifully illustrated pages, 'Flying Witch, 2' promises laughs and heartfelt moments as Makoto embraces her magical journey and reconnects with her roots.
Perfect for fans of light-hearted fantasy and comedy, this graphic novel serves as both a delightful standalone read and a wonderful addition to your collection. Ideal for those seeking a cozy, enchanting escape into a world filled with wonder, friendship, and the art of magic, 'Flying Witch, 2' is bound to charm readers of all ages.
**Delivery Information:** We ensure a speedy and reliable delivery. Each order is processed promptly, and you can expect your product to arrive within the specified time frame. Experience the joy of reading with 'Flying Witch, 2', and explore the magical journey that awaits!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781945054105
Year: 2017
Pages: 160
A surreal comedy in the vein of Yotsuba&! and Nichijou with a magical theme combines humor, slice of life and traditional Japanese culture in this debut work from Chihiro Ishizuka.
Makoto returns to rural Japan to work on her magic after being away for six years. In her new home, she along with her black cat Chito, share some of what she has learned as she gets used to living in a slower and more curious part of the country.
Story Locale- Aomori, Japan
Series Overview- High school teen Makoto returns home after six years of witch training to live in a new and slightly funnier world.