Introducing Floodtide, a captivating narrative that weaves together the lives of four inseparable friends: Mike, Spud, Pembo, and Murray. Set against the backdrop of Western Australia's dynamic landscape, this compelling tale explores the power of friendship and the trials it faces through four transformative decades. From the idyllic 1950s in Perth, where childhood dreams blossom, to the chaotic 1960s marked by free love and conflict, and the ambitious mineral boom of the 1970s that reshapes the region, Floodtide captures the essence of a generation.
As the 1980s bring corruption and greed, these four men confront their deepest challenges. An environmentalist fights valiantly to protect the stunning Pilbara coast from overwhelming mining interests, while a Vietnam veteran overcomes his traumatic past to unveil an unexpected talent. Meanwhile, an ambitious geologist partners with a tenacious businessman to transition Perth from a quiet town into a bustling metropolis.
Dive into this richly narrated saga where the tides of change force each character to face the consequences of their decisions as they navigate the new realities of the 1990s. Floodtide is more than just a book; it's a journey of resilience, friendship, and the undeniable impact of socio-economic shifts on personal lives. A must-read for anyone drawn to tales of camaraderie and historical insights.
Delivery information: This brand new B-format paperback edition published by Penguin Australia in 2020 features 704 pages of enthralling storytelling. ISBN: 9781761041280. Order today for swift delivery!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781761041280
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 704
Four men. One unbreakable friendship. Forged in the mighty Iron Ore State.
Four men. One unbreakable friendship. Forged in the mighty Iron Ore State.
Floodtide is the story of Mike, Spud, Pembo and Murray, and the friendship that binds them over four memorable decades in Western Australia.
The prosperous 1950s when childhood is idyllic in the small city of Perth... The turbulent 60s of free love and war ... The avaricious 70s when WA's mineral boom breeds a new kind of entrepreneur ... The corrupt 80s, when greedy politicians and powerful businessmen bring the state to its knees...
Each of the four has a story to tell. An environmentalist fights to save the beautiful Pilbara coast from the mining conglomerates; a Vietnam veteran rises above crippling injuries to discover an extraordinary talent; and an ambitious geologist joins a hard-core businessman to lead the growth of Perth from a sleepy town to a glittering citadel of skyscrapers.
But, as the 1990s ushers in a new age, all four are caught up in the irreversible tides of change - and actions must be answered for ...
As the 1980s bring corruption and greed, these four men confront their deepest challenges. An environmentalist fights valiantly to protect the stunning Pilbara coast from overwhelming mining interests, while a Vietnam veteran overcomes his traumatic past to unveil an unexpected talent. Meanwhile, an ambitious geologist partners with a tenacious businessman to transition Perth from a quiet town into a bustling metropolis.
Dive into this richly narrated saga where the tides of change force each character to face the consequences of their decisions as they navigate the new realities of the 1990s. Floodtide is more than just a book; it's a journey of resilience, friendship, and the undeniable impact of socio-economic shifts on personal lives. A must-read for anyone drawn to tales of camaraderie and historical insights.
Delivery information: This brand new B-format paperback edition published by Penguin Australia in 2020 features 704 pages of enthralling storytelling. ISBN: 9781761041280. Order today for swift delivery!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781761041280
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 704
Four men. One unbreakable friendship. Forged in the mighty Iron Ore State.
Four men. One unbreakable friendship. Forged in the mighty Iron Ore State.
Floodtide is the story of Mike, Spud, Pembo and Murray, and the friendship that binds them over four memorable decades in Western Australia.
The prosperous 1950s when childhood is idyllic in the small city of Perth... The turbulent 60s of free love and war ... The avaricious 70s when WA's mineral boom breeds a new kind of entrepreneur ... The corrupt 80s, when greedy politicians and powerful businessmen bring the state to its knees...
Each of the four has a story to tell. An environmentalist fights to save the beautiful Pilbara coast from the mining conglomerates; a Vietnam veteran rises above crippling injuries to discover an extraordinary talent; and an ambitious geologist joins a hard-core businessman to lead the growth of Perth from a sleepy town to a glittering citadel of skyscrapers.
But, as the 1990s ushers in a new age, all four are caught up in the irreversible tides of change - and actions must be answered for ...