Discover Fire Force 28, the thrilling addition to the acclaimed steampunk fantasy series created by Atsushi ?kubo, famed for the hit Soul Eater. This trade paperback edition, published by RANDOM HOUSE US, is essential for anime and manga enthusiasts alike. In this gripping installment, Shinra and the other Pillars face their greatest challenges yet as they plunge into the dangerous realm of Adolla. The stakes are higher than ever as the remaining Fire Force members race against time to defend Amaterasu from impending doom and the fearsome White Clad cult. Join Company 8 and Ogun as they take a stand against powerful adversaries, including Charon and Dragon, while battling fiery Infernals to ensure the planet's survival. This pulse-pounding action fantasy is packed with incredible artwork and storytelling that will keep you at the edge of your seat. Perfect for collectors and fans, Fire Force 28 is BRAND NEW and ready for your shelf. Grab your copy today and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Fire Force! ISBN: 9781646515202. Fast shipping options available, ensuring your latest manga acquisition arrives quickly, safe, and sound.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781646515202
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2022
Now a hit anime! The new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater!
Shinra vanishes into Adolla along with the other Pillars, while the remaining Fire Force members rush to Amaterasu to prevent the Great Cataclysm and the world's destruction. Thus begins the ultimate showdown with the White Clad cult! Company 8 and Ogun take position at the gate to defend Amaterasu from an onslaught of powerful enemies-Charon, Dragon, and the Great Fiery Infernals! Meanwhile, Vulcan in?ltrates Amaterasu to guard its activation switch, leading to a shocking encounter...! The whole planet's survival rests on this battle!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781646515202
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2022
Now a hit anime! The new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater!
Shinra vanishes into Adolla along with the other Pillars, while the remaining Fire Force members rush to Amaterasu to prevent the Great Cataclysm and the world's destruction. Thus begins the ultimate showdown with the White Clad cult! Company 8 and Ogun take position at the gate to defend Amaterasu from an onslaught of powerful enemies-Charon, Dragon, and the Great Fiery Infernals! Meanwhile, Vulcan in?ltrates Amaterasu to guard its activation switch, leading to a shocking encounter...! The whole planet's survival rests on this battle!