Discover the captivating world of the F.A.R.M. System, an enthralling graphic novel that humorously explores the lives of aspiring superheroes. Created by award-winning graphic novelist Rich Koslowski, this trade paperback invites you behind the scenes, revealing the untold stories of superpowered individuals eager to make their mark in the competitive arena of superhero fame. With an ISBN of 9781603095150, this 2023 publication from RANDOM HOUSE US offers a unique blend of profound pop-culture satire and comic book storytelling.
In F.A.R.M. System, aspiring heroes undergo rigorous training and evaluation, attended by agents, experts, and managers, all while navigating the labyrinth of marketing, endorsements, and costume design. Dive into the highs and lows of these characters as they strive to join the ranks of A-list superhero teams or find unconventional opportunities, such as becoming bodyguards for celebrities. It’s a witty commentary on the entertainment industry, illustrating the hopes, disappointments, and aspirations of those hoping to break into the big league.
Whether you're a comic book enthusiast, a graphic novel aficionado, or simply intrigued by stories that reflect the human experience, this graphic novel promises to entertain and provoke thought. Order your copy of F.A.R.M. System today! Fast and reliable delivery options are available to ensure you receive your book promptly.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781603095150
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
They're superstrong, but are they powerful enough for the big leagues? If superheroes were real, they'd be a lot like pro athletes. In this quirky graphic novel, go behind the scenes with all the heroes waiting for their big breaks.
For every hero who saves the galaxy and makes the front page, there are a dozen staffers working behind the scenes...and a hundred up-and-comers hoping to take his place. F.A.R.M. System is your ticket to the hidden world of superpowered individuals hoping to "make the Big Leagues."
In the Farm System, having an incredible and unique power is only the first step. Guided by an army of agents, managers, and experts, recruits must undergo rigorous psychological evaluations, harassment and sensitivity seminars, marketing and endorsement workshops, and costume design meetings, all to boost their chances of recruitment into an A-list superhero team.
Some recruits make "the Bigs." Some have fleeting moments of glory, then lose it all. Some take "Blue Cowl" gigs as superpowered bodyguards for famous actors or powerful CEOs. Some flounder in the System for years, never getting "the call." And some find success by joining teams of a...less reputable ilk.
Following the profound pop-culture satire of Three Fingers, The King, and BB Wolf and the Three LPs, award-winning graphic novelist Rich Koslowski examines the hopes, disappointments, perseverance, and triumphs of the super-gifted...and the sometimes drastic lengths they will go to to achieve fortune and fame.
In F.A.R.M. System, aspiring heroes undergo rigorous training and evaluation, attended by agents, experts, and managers, all while navigating the labyrinth of marketing, endorsements, and costume design. Dive into the highs and lows of these characters as they strive to join the ranks of A-list superhero teams or find unconventional opportunities, such as becoming bodyguards for celebrities. It’s a witty commentary on the entertainment industry, illustrating the hopes, disappointments, and aspirations of those hoping to break into the big league.
Whether you're a comic book enthusiast, a graphic novel aficionado, or simply intrigued by stories that reflect the human experience, this graphic novel promises to entertain and provoke thought. Order your copy of F.A.R.M. System today! Fast and reliable delivery options are available to ensure you receive your book promptly.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781603095150
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
They're superstrong, but are they powerful enough for the big leagues? If superheroes were real, they'd be a lot like pro athletes. In this quirky graphic novel, go behind the scenes with all the heroes waiting for their big breaks.
For every hero who saves the galaxy and makes the front page, there are a dozen staffers working behind the scenes...and a hundred up-and-comers hoping to take his place. F.A.R.M. System is your ticket to the hidden world of superpowered individuals hoping to "make the Big Leagues."
In the Farm System, having an incredible and unique power is only the first step. Guided by an army of agents, managers, and experts, recruits must undergo rigorous psychological evaluations, harassment and sensitivity seminars, marketing and endorsement workshops, and costume design meetings, all to boost their chances of recruitment into an A-list superhero team.
Some recruits make "the Bigs." Some have fleeting moments of glory, then lose it all. Some take "Blue Cowl" gigs as superpowered bodyguards for famous actors or powerful CEOs. Some flounder in the System for years, never getting "the call." And some find success by joining teams of a...less reputable ilk.
Following the profound pop-culture satire of Three Fingers, The King, and BB Wolf and the Three LPs, award-winning graphic novelist Rich Koslowski examines the hopes, disappointments, perseverance, and triumphs of the super-gifted...and the sometimes drastic lengths they will go to to achieve fortune and fame.