Experience the enchanting world of the *Fairy Tail Manga Box Set 1*! This meticulously crafted box set includes volumes 1 through 11 of the beloved magical shonen adventure that transformed into an anime sensation. Perfect for avid manga readers and *Fairy Tail* enthusiasts alike, this collection captures the vibrant storytelling and stunning illustrations that fans adore. With a total of 2080 pages, this box set allows you to delve deeper into Lucy's thrilling journey as she seeks to join the world's most iconic magical guild, Fairy Tail. Meet unforgettable characters like Natsu, the fiery dragon slayer, and his flying companion, Happy, as they embark on wild escapades and confront formidable foes. This box set is not only an excellent addition to any manga collection but also a fantastic gift for those new to the series. Included is a special bonus item that enhances your reading experience! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own the *Fairy Tail Manga Box Set 1* with its exquisite packaging and captivating content. Ideal for collectors, manga lovers, and fans of the anime, this box set is available now for immediate delivery. Order today to explore the magic of Fairy Tail and let your imagination soar! Delivery information will be provided upon purchase to ensure prompt shipping right to your doorstep.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781632368850
Year: 2019
Pages: 2080
Your instant Fairy Tail manga collection! Stylish box includes Vol. 1-11 of the magical shonen adventure that became an anime megahit, plus a special bonus item.
Lucy is a young, rebellious celestial wizard with a dream- to join Fairy Tail, the world's most rambunctious and powerful magical guild! When she happens to meet one of Fairy Tail's top wizards, he turns out to be not quite what she expected- a slob traveling with a flying cat. But the promise of adventure is real, and together they escape from pirates and a devious magician! Their next task- to steal a book from the evil wizard-killing Duke Everlue, and outsmart his death trap. Eccentric new friends join along the way in this lushly-drawn modern classic!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781632368850
Year: 2019
Pages: 2080
Your instant Fairy Tail manga collection! Stylish box includes Vol. 1-11 of the magical shonen adventure that became an anime megahit, plus a special bonus item.
Lucy is a young, rebellious celestial wizard with a dream- to join Fairy Tail, the world's most rambunctious and powerful magical guild! When she happens to meet one of Fairy Tail's top wizards, he turns out to be not quite what she expected- a slob traveling with a flying cat. But the promise of adventure is real, and together they escape from pirates and a devious magician! Their next task- to steal a book from the evil wizard-killing Duke Everlue, and outsmart his death trap. Eccentric new friends join along the way in this lushly-drawn modern classic!