Discover the gripping world of crime fiction with the first installment of the acclaimed Inspector Wallander series. In this compelling murder mystery, Inspector Wallander is called to investigate a horrific crime scene in the depths of a frozen January morning. As he arrives at an isolated farmhouse, he is met with a bloodbath — an old man has been brutally tortured, and his wife clings to life, providing Wallander with a chilling clue: the assailants may be foreign. This revelation sparks a wave of racial tension that threatens to consume the community. As Wallander delves deeper into the investigation, he grapples with personal demons and the unsettling societal impacts of crime and prejudice. Perfect for fans of Scandinavian noir, this gripping narrative not only delivers an intense psychological exploration but also a profound commentary on humanity. Readers will be captivated by the multi-layered characters and the intricate plotting that has earned this title the prestigious CWA Gold Dagger award. Whether you're a long-time lover of mystery novels or new to crime fiction, this novel is a must-read. This B-format paperback edition, published by RANDOM HOUSE UK in 2012, features 304 pages of immersive storytelling. Order now and dive into the world of Faceless Killers and the complexities of crime today! Fast shipping available for a seamless experience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780099571827
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2012
Pages: 304
The first title in the acclaimed Inspector Wallander series.
One frozen January morning at 5am, Inspector Wallander responds to what he believes is a routine call out. When he reaches the isolated farmhouse he discovers a bloodbath.
An old man has been tortured and beaten to death, his wife lies barely alive beside his shattered body, both victims of a violence beyond reason. The woman supplies Wallander with his only clue- the perpetrators may have been foreign. When this is leaked to the press, it unleashes a tide of racism.
Wallander's life is a shambles. His wife has left him, his daughter refuses to speak to him, and even his ageing father barely tolerates him. He works tirelessly, eats badly, and drinks his nights away. But now Wallander must forget his troubles and throw himself into a battle against time and against mounting racial hatred.
Winner of the CWA Gold Dagger for Sidetracked.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780099571827
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2012
Pages: 304
The first title in the acclaimed Inspector Wallander series.
One frozen January morning at 5am, Inspector Wallander responds to what he believes is a routine call out. When he reaches the isolated farmhouse he discovers a bloodbath.
An old man has been tortured and beaten to death, his wife lies barely alive beside his shattered body, both victims of a violence beyond reason. The woman supplies Wallander with his only clue- the perpetrators may have been foreign. When this is leaked to the press, it unleashes a tide of racism.
Wallander's life is a shambles. His wife has left him, his daughter refuses to speak to him, and even his ageing father barely tolerates him. He works tirelessly, eats badly, and drinks his nights away. But now Wallander must forget his troubles and throw himself into a battle against time and against mounting racial hatred.
Winner of the CWA Gold Dagger for Sidetracked.