Dive into the thrilling adventure of 'Escape from Yokai Land.' This captivating graphic novel bridges the worlds of supernatural and humor within the beloved Laundry Files universe by Charles Stross. Discover Bob Howard's intriguing escapade as he partners with the Miyamoto Group to oversee Japan's mystical wards. This tale contains 96 captivating pages where traditional yokai creatures are both a nuisance and a source of ultimate confrontation. Readers will be dazzled as Bob navigates his way through a vibrant world filled with magical beings. The gripping narrative explores what happens when a simple assignment evolves into a life-and-death struggle against a formidable, pink yokai that greets him with an eerie 'Hello.' The perfect addition to any bookshelf, this BRAND NEW release from Tor Books will appeal to seasoned fans and newcomers alike. With an ISBN of 9781250805706, it's a must-have for graphic novel enthusiasts. Enjoy FREE shipping on this item; however, please allow 6 weeks for delivery. Once you place your order, cancellation is not possible. Experience the unique blend of excitement and humor today in 'Escape from Yokai Land' – a spectacular journey through the whimsical and dangerous realms of Japanese folklore.
Shipping for this item is FREE, however please allow 6 weeks for shipping, please note once you place the order we are not able to cancel it.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250805706
Year: 2022
Publisher: Tor Books
Pages: 96
Regular readers of Charles Stross's Laundry Files might have noticed Bob Howard's absence from the events of The Nightmare Stacks, and his subsequent return from Tokyo at the start of The Delirium Brief.
Escape from Yokai Land explains what he was doing there.
Bob's been assigned to work with the Miyamoto Group, checking the wards that lock down Japan's warded sites—a task previously handled by his predecessor Dr. Angleton, the Eater of Souls. This mostly involves policing yokai: traditional magical beings, increasingly grown more annoying and energetic.
But then Bob's simple trip turns into a deadly confrontation with the ultimate yokai. It's massively powerful. It's pink. And it says "Hello."
Shipping for this item is FREE, however please allow 6 weeks for shipping, please note once you place the order we are not able to cancel it.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250805706
Year: 2022
Publisher: Tor Books
Pages: 96
Regular readers of Charles Stross's Laundry Files might have noticed Bob Howard's absence from the events of The Nightmare Stacks, and his subsequent return from Tokyo at the start of The Delirium Brief.
Escape from Yokai Land explains what he was doing there.
Bob's been assigned to work with the Miyamoto Group, checking the wards that lock down Japan's warded sites—a task previously handled by his predecessor Dr. Angleton, the Eater of Souls. This mostly involves policing yokai: traditional magical beings, increasingly grown more annoying and energetic.
But then Bob's simple trip turns into a deadly confrontation with the ultimate yokai. It's massively powerful. It's pink. And it says "Hello."