Discover the intriguing world of fantasy with this brand new trade paperback, 'Equinox', published by Bloomsbury in 2022. This compelling novel explores the lives of two distinct souls sharing a single body, each reigning over their respective realms—one in the light of day and the other shrouded in the mysteries of night. Join Special Inspector Christophor Morden, a relentless investigator drawn into a gripping tale of supernatural intrigue, as he probes the horrors emerging from the shadows. As night falls, Christophor is awakened to a chilling scenario at the city prison, where a prisoner has committed a grotesque act, leaving him with empty eye sockets filled with teeth. This eerie mystery unfolds against the backdrop of a backward village and an ancient, apocalyptic ritual poised to erupt. The escalating tension and intertwining fates of Christophor and his day-brother Alexsander create a captivating narrative that will keep readers engaged until the last page. Embark on this spellbinding journey through a clever, original world where identities shift with the sun and secrets lay in wait. Perfect for fans of fantasy novels and supernatural mysteries, 'Equinox' is destined to leave a lasting impression, praised by Daily Mail for its beautifully crafted storyline and Publishers Weekly for its spellbinding narrative. Grab your copy today and delve deep into a tale of ambition, gruesomeness, and exhilarating fantasy.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781801101653
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2022
Publisher: Bloomsbury
In this world, two souls inhabit a single body, one by day, one by night. But though they live alongside one another, their ends do not always align. For Special Inspector Morden, whose hunt for a dangerous witch takes him far from home, this will be a problem...
Christophor Morden lives by night. His day-brother, Alexsander, knows only the sun. They are two souls in a single body, in a world where identities change with the rising and setting of the sun. Night-brother or day-sister, one never sees the light, the other knows nothing of the night.
Early one evening, Christophor is roused by a call to the city prison. A prisoner has torn his eyes out and cannot say why. Yet worse- in the sockets that once held his eyes, teeth are growing. The police suspect the supernatural, so Christophor, a member of the king's special inspectorate, is charged with finding the witch responsible.
Night-by-night, Christophor's investigation leads him ever further from home, toward a backwards village on the far edge of the kingdom. But the closer he gets to the truth, the more his day-brother's actions frustrate him. Who is Alexsander protecting? What does he not want Christophor to discover?
And all the while, an ancient and apocalyptic ritual creeps closer to completion...
Praise for Equinox-
'Clever, original and beautifully crafted, half the fun here lies in getting to grips with the ramifications of this complex world, but the story holds like a vice' Daily Mail
'Spellbinding fantasy... This innovative work is sure to please' Publishers Weekly
'An ambitious and gruesome tale o
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781801101653
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2022
Publisher: Bloomsbury
In this world, two souls inhabit a single body, one by day, one by night. But though they live alongside one another, their ends do not always align. For Special Inspector Morden, whose hunt for a dangerous witch takes him far from home, this will be a problem...
Christophor Morden lives by night. His day-brother, Alexsander, knows only the sun. They are two souls in a single body, in a world where identities change with the rising and setting of the sun. Night-brother or day-sister, one never sees the light, the other knows nothing of the night.
Early one evening, Christophor is roused by a call to the city prison. A prisoner has torn his eyes out and cannot say why. Yet worse- in the sockets that once held his eyes, teeth are growing. The police suspect the supernatural, so Christophor, a member of the king's special inspectorate, is charged with finding the witch responsible.
Night-by-night, Christophor's investigation leads him ever further from home, toward a backwards village on the far edge of the kingdom. But the closer he gets to the truth, the more his day-brother's actions frustrate him. Who is Alexsander protecting? What does he not want Christophor to discover?
And all the while, an ancient and apocalyptic ritual creeps closer to completion...
Praise for Equinox-
'Clever, original and beautifully crafted, half the fun here lies in getting to grips with the ramifications of this complex world, but the story holds like a vice' Daily Mail
'Spellbinding fantasy... This innovative work is sure to please' Publishers Weekly
'An ambitious and gruesome tale o