Explore the enchanting world of 'Emperor of the Eight Islands', a masterful work by acclaimed author Lian Hearn. With this compelling novel, readers are transported to a mythical country inspired by the rich heritage of medieval Japan. This B-format paperback, published by Hachette Australia in 2017, spans 448 pages filled with captivating characters, intricate plots, and a deep exploration of themes like honor, loyalty, and the struggle for power. Hearn, whose works have been translated into 42 languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide, is renowned for her ability to weave historical narratives with exquisite detail. Dive into the tales of the Otori and let the lyrical prose carry you away into a vivid realm of adventure. Perfect for fans of historical fiction and fantasy novels alike, 'Emperor of the Eight Islands' is not just reading; it's an immersive experience. With 'Emperor of the Eight Islands', you are set for an enchanting journey that resonates well beyond the final page. Add this remarkable novel to your collection today!
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Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780733635267
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2017
Publisher: Hachette Australia
Pages: 448
One of Australia's most internationally successful writers, Lian Hearn's books have been translated into 42 languages and have sold millions of copies. Nine of her books are set in a mythical country based on medieval Japan: these are the five Tales of the Otori books, starting with Across the Nightingale Floor; The Tale of Shikanoko: Emperor of the Eight Islands and Lord of the Darkwood; and Children of the Otori: Orphan Warriors and Sibling Assassins (to be published in 2020). She has also written two historical novels set in nineteenth-century Japan, Blossoms and Shadows and The Storyteller and His Three Daughters.
Lian's passionate interest in Japan began when she was a teenager. She received an AsiaLink arts fellowship for travel and research in 1999. She travels frequently to Japan and has studied Japanese for many years. She has always been deeply interested in languages and has a BA and MA in French and Spanish from Oxford University. She worked as an editor and film critic in England and Australia before beginning her career as a novelist in 1986, under the name of Gillian Rubinstein, with the bestselling and award-winning children's novel Space Demons.
You can follow Lian on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780733635267
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2017
Publisher: Hachette Australia
Pages: 448
One of Australia's most internationally successful writers, Lian Hearn's books have been translated into 42 languages and have sold millions of copies. Nine of her books are set in a mythical country based on medieval Japan: these are the five Tales of the Otori books, starting with Across the Nightingale Floor; The Tale of Shikanoko: Emperor of the Eight Islands and Lord of the Darkwood; and Children of the Otori: Orphan Warriors and Sibling Assassins (to be published in 2020). She has also written two historical novels set in nineteenth-century Japan, Blossoms and Shadows and The Storyteller and His Three Daughters.
Lian's passionate interest in Japan began when she was a teenager. She received an AsiaLink arts fellowship for travel and research in 1999. She travels frequently to Japan and has studied Japanese for many years. She has always been deeply interested in languages and has a BA and MA in French and Spanish from Oxford University. She worked as an editor and film critic in England and Australia before beginning her career as a novelist in 1986, under the name of Gillian Rubinstein, with the bestselling and award-winning children's novel Space Demons.
You can follow Lian on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.