Immerse yourself in the gripping tale of 'Emerald Springs', a contemporary novel set in a small town that blends drama, romance, and mystery. Released by noted publisher Allen & Unwin in 2016, this captivating story unfolds over 368 pages, bringing to life the compelling journey of Amelia Bennett. After her university days, Amelia returns home with the determination to shed her scatterbrained reputation. Embarking on her role as treasurer for the local rodeo committee, she finally feels like she belongs. However, just as triumph seems within reach after a successful rodeo, Amelia's life takes a dangerous turn when she falls victim to a shocking smash and grab. Injured and shaken, Amelia must navigate the murky waters of suspicion as her credibility—and that of her boyfriend Paul—comes into question. In a race against time, she seeks to persuade a skeptical detective to help uncover the truth and find the real culprits behind the chaos. Experience an electrifying blend of intrigue and heartfelt romance that will keep you captivated late into the night. Perfect for fans of page-turning mysteries with strong heroines, 'Emerald Springs' promises a thrilling literary escape.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760292539
Year: 2016
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 368
After finishing university, Amelia Bennett returns to her home town. Determined to lose her old reputation for being scatty, she works hard to prove herself as the treasurer of the local rodeo committee.
Flushed with triumph on the evening of the best rodeo in the town's history, Amelia is driving the bags of cash into town when she becomes the victim of a terrifying smash and grab. Injured and distraught after her ordeal, she's even more devastated when she finds out that she and her boyfriend Paul are the objects of suspicion.
To prove her innocence and that of the man she loves, Amelia must convince a sceptical detective that her account of what happened does add up and that he must help her track down the real culprits . . .
With its cracker plot, feisty heroine and engaging love story, Emerald Springs will have you reading well into the night.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760292539
Year: 2016
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Pages: 368
After finishing university, Amelia Bennett returns to her home town. Determined to lose her old reputation for being scatty, she works hard to prove herself as the treasurer of the local rodeo committee.
Flushed with triumph on the evening of the best rodeo in the town's history, Amelia is driving the bags of cash into town when she becomes the victim of a terrifying smash and grab. Injured and distraught after her ordeal, she's even more devastated when she finds out that she and her boyfriend Paul are the objects of suspicion.
To prove her innocence and that of the man she loves, Amelia must convince a sceptical detective that her account of what happened does add up and that he must help her track down the real culprits . . .
With its cracker plot, feisty heroine and engaging love story, Emerald Springs will have you reading well into the night.