Edward II Revised

SKU: PR365313

Sale price$27.50


Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781472520524
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2014
Publisher: Bloomsbury

The rise of queer theory in the last fifteen years or so has led to a large body of criticism on Edward II, on Marlowe more generally, and indeed on Renaissance literature. This new introduction to the play takes full account of that criticism, offering students a useful and lively overview of the field. While it is often remarked that the writing in Edward II is less 'Marlovian' than his other major plays, no critic has yet fully discussed why this might be the case. The new introduction brings together these topics in order to demonstrate how our understanding of the play is enhanced by considering these aspects of the play together.
In addition the introduction also includes a performance history, updating the history given in the previous edition and paying greater attention to Derek Jarman's film, with which the play is often studied. All this ensures the edition meets the needs of students and teachers fully and imaginatively.

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