Discover the thrilling adventure of EDENS ZERO 20, the latest installment in the beloved manga series by Hiro Mashima, renowned creator of Fairy Tail. This trade paperback, published in 2023 by Random House US, is a must-have for fans of sci-fi manga and epic storytelling. Dive into the gripping narrative as the Edens Zero crew mourns the loss of Witch and gears up for an intense showdown with Ziggy, the formidable foe threatening the cosmos. As they propel through deep space, they encounter Captain Connor, a curious castaway who holds secrets only Rebecca recalls. Experience the blend of steadfast friendship, fierce battles, and the unparalleled charm of blue cats navigating the unknown universe. With incredible artwork and an engaging storyline, EDENS ZERO 20 continues to push the boundaries of imagination. Don't miss out on adding this essential manga to your collection! Order now and embark on the next chapter of this extraordinary journey. **Condition:** BRAND NEW. **ISBN:** 9781646515721. **Format:** Trade paperback (UK). **Delivery:** Fast shipping options available! Get your copy of EDENS ZERO 20 today and join the adventure of a lifetime!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781646515721
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
It's here! The creator of Fairy Tail, manga superstar Hiro Mashima, is back with a high-flying space adventure! All the steadfast friendship, crazy fighting, and blue cats you've come to expect... IN SPACE!
After the war in the Aoi Cosmos, the Edens Zero crew mourns the loss of Witch and makes an important change in their plans. Before they continue their search for Mother, they will first find and defeat Ziggy. There are no more doubts that Ziggy is an enemy and a threat to the universe. But before they find Ziggy, the Edens Zero encounters a curious castaway. It's Captain Connor, but only Rebecca recognizes and remembers him, and he himself denies being the captain of the Edens One?!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781646515721
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2023
It's here! The creator of Fairy Tail, manga superstar Hiro Mashima, is back with a high-flying space adventure! All the steadfast friendship, crazy fighting, and blue cats you've come to expect... IN SPACE!
After the war in the Aoi Cosmos, the Edens Zero crew mourns the loss of Witch and makes an important change in their plans. Before they continue their search for Mother, they will first find and defeat Ziggy. There are no more doubts that Ziggy is an enemy and a threat to the universe. But before they find Ziggy, the Edens Zero encounters a curious castaway. It's Captain Connor, but only Rebecca recognizes and remembers him, and he himself denies being the captain of the Edens One?!