Discover the enchanting world of the 'Dragon Noodle Party', where the beloved animals of the zodiac gather to create a delightful noodle feast! This brand new children's book, published in 2023 by Random House US, is perfect for celebrating Chinese traditions. With simple yet engaging text, children will learn about the significance of long noodles in birthday celebrations and joyous occasions like the New Year. Each animal, from the energetic horse to the whimsical goat, carries special ingredients up the hill to contribute to the festive meal. The vibrant illustrations bring the story to life, captivating young readers and inviting them to participate in the excitement of culinary preparation. Additionally, this book features a kid-friendly recipe for Dragon Beard Noodles, a cherished dish from Northern China, empowering children to engage in hands-on cooking experiences. Whether it's for a birthday party or to introduce children to cultural traditions, this book is a wonderful addition to any child's collection. Dive into the celebration of flavors, friendships, and festivities with 'Dragon Noodle Party'! Perfect for young chefs, cultural enthusiasts, and families looking to explore the joy of cooking together. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to enrich your child’s reading and culinary experience! Fast delivery options ensure that your copy of this joyful book arrives at your doorstep in no time. Order yours today and start the noodle party!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780823449507
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2023
Join the animals of the zodiac as they make noodles for a party in this festive book from an award-winning author and food editor.
It's almost time for the party! One-by-one all the animals of the zodiac go up the hill, each one carrying an ingredient. Horse trots up the hill with a big wok. Goat strolls up the hill with wild onions.
Except for snake, that is. It's his birthday! All of his friends have prepared long noodles to celebrate his long and happy life. Simple text is paired with delightful, friendly art in this joyous look at the Chinese tradition of preparing long noodles to celebrate birthdays, the New Year, and other festive occasions.
A kid-friendly recipe for how to make Dragon Beard Noodles, a dish popular in Northern China, is included as well as a note on the Chinese Zodiac.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780823449507
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2023
Join the animals of the zodiac as they make noodles for a party in this festive book from an award-winning author and food editor.
It's almost time for the party! One-by-one all the animals of the zodiac go up the hill, each one carrying an ingredient. Horse trots up the hill with a big wok. Goat strolls up the hill with wild onions.
Except for snake, that is. It's his birthday! All of his friends have prepared long noodles to celebrate his long and happy life. Simple text is paired with delightful, friendly art in this joyous look at the Chinese tradition of preparing long noodles to celebrate birthdays, the New Year, and other festive occasions.
A kid-friendly recipe for how to make Dragon Beard Noodles, a dish popular in Northern China, is included as well as a note on the Chinese Zodiac.