Discover the hilarious adventures in 'Double Down: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (BK11)', the eleventh installment of the acclaimed series! Dive into the life of Greg Heffley, an ordinary kid navigating the ups and downs of family dynamics, middle school challenges, and the pressures of growing up in this humorous tale. Perfect for reluctant readers, this book is a delightful mix of comedy and relatable situations, featuring Greg’s struggle against his mom's demand to explore a 'creative side' instead of gaming. With Halloween looming, Greg's comedic journey intensifies as he encounters an unexpected challenge when he finds a bag of gummy worms, leading him to a wild idea: creating a movie! But will his ambition lead him to fame, or will it only compound his problems? This clever, witty, and engaging read is a must-have addition to your collection. With 224 pages of laughter, this book is ideal for kids ages 8-12. Get ready for an entertaining experience that will keep readers of all ages laughing out loud. Add 'Double Down: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (BK11)' to your cart today and join Greg on his laugh-out-loud journey through creativity and chaos. Enjoy fast delivery options for your order, ensuring you won't miss a moment of this compelling story!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143309338
Year: 2016
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 224
Book eleven in the hugely popular series of books about an ordinary kid, who thinks way outside the box, navigating his way through family, life and middle school.
The pressure's really piling up on Greg Heffley. His mom thinks video games are turning his brain to mush, so she wants her son to put down the controller and explore his "creative side."
As if that's not scary enough, Halloween's just around the corner and the frights are coming at Greg from every angle.
When Greg discovers a bag of gummy worms, it sparks an idea. Can he get his mom off his back by making a movie ... And will he become rich and famous in the process? Or will doubling down on this plan just double Greg's troubles?
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780143309338
Year: 2016
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 224
Book eleven in the hugely popular series of books about an ordinary kid, who thinks way outside the box, navigating his way through family, life and middle school.
The pressure's really piling up on Greg Heffley. His mom thinks video games are turning his brain to mush, so she wants her son to put down the controller and explore his "creative side."
As if that's not scary enough, Halloween's just around the corner and the frights are coming at Greg from every angle.
When Greg discovers a bag of gummy worms, it sparks an idea. Can he get his mom off his back by making a movie ... And will he become rich and famous in the process? Or will doubling down on this plan just double Greg's troubles?