Dive into the whimsical world of 'Diva Drama #21' where friendship, fun, and a dash of teenage drama unfold! This captivating book, authored by Ella, is perfect for young readers who love stories brimming with excitement and relatable experiences. The narrative follows Ella as she navigates the thrilling opportunity of starring in a real TV ad, but there's a twist! Ella must choose a friend to join her in the spotlight, leading to an intricate web of emotions and situations, particularly with her best friend, Zoe. The stunning illustrations and engaging storyline encourage readers to explore themes of friendship, loyalty, and the complexities of growing up. With 144 pages of delightful content, 'Diva Drama #21' promises to entertain and inspire young minds. It’s a great addition to any tween bookshelf and makes an ideal gift for birthdays, holidays, or just because! The book is brand new, with ISBN 9781760974213, published by Scholastic Australia Pty Ltd. Delivery is swift and efficient, ensuring you receive your copy of 'Diva Drama #21' promptly at your doorstep. Don't miss out on the ultimate read that explores the challenges of choosing friends and facing drama head-on. Grab your copy today and join Ella on her journey through the ups and downs of friendship!
ISBN: 9781760974213
Number of Pages 144
WARNING: You are about to read my UTTERLY BIGGEST SECRETS. Can I trust you? OK then. I'm Ella, and this is my diary. Ella is going to be in an ad (a REAL ad, on TV) and she gets to choose ONE FRIEND to star in it with her. Ella tells Zoe, her BFF, all about it. But at EXACTLY THE... SAME TIME Precious Perfect Peach Parker stops being mean to her. Peach is now SO nice to Ella that it's causing all kinds of DRAMA with Zoe. Will Ella have to choose between them?Read less
ISBN: 9781760974213
Number of Pages 144
WARNING: You are about to read my UTTERLY BIGGEST SECRETS. Can I trust you? OK then. I'm Ella, and this is my diary. Ella is going to be in an ad (a REAL ad, on TV) and she gets to choose ONE FRIEND to star in it with her. Ella tells Zoe, her BFF, all about it. But at EXACTLY THE... SAME TIME Precious Perfect Peach Parker stops being mean to her. Peach is now SO nice to Ella that it's causing all kinds of DRAMA with Zoe. Will Ella have to choose between them?Read less